MARSHALL NEWS MESSENGER, Sunday; September 19; Court Records Daily Work Of Ministe: Reaches New Heights By JOHN W. MOODY Nrwi MtMOjer Oxj Editor Seme minister! liie to raise the roof and some like to get high on religion. And some, hit the Rev. Jim Reynolds, follow the scriptures and give a good demonstration of works as well as faith. When he iant in the pulpit at the Grange Hall Methodist Church these days, the Rev.
Reynolds is on the roof or the steeple. When church officials decided it was about time fx a re-roofing Job, the Rev. Reynolds 'didnt waste time. DISTRICT COUtT Cnaaul DacUt EUliOem vanaia Cragra muroar (atang of uttiu Irom Panola Count, I Qnmmtt OnawMiaat auhtiv la tfcxgiry vtucl. gvn tour yar prttain, pw court Ea' Curtis Willtami.
plud guilfy to Or 119 wfult irttoaicad i Dwt t. hmikm io or county lil. pim I KW nd court csi Me MS grtntod an occupational licm WO Daw Tucker. wnKncM to fi monini in county ial. ptut 1100 tin lor 01.
and court coys Carry Dn Pop, pwacl ouiliy to possession ot mariiuana, givon tnrat years probated sentenc and court costs ftoecrt art Jones, pteaa outtty to 01. sentenced to I've years prooated torm. plus court costs Willi Ricnaravm, Jr plead guilty A to inert Irom a person, given inrae years probation, plus court costs and hammering to rwoof a steeple, you have to build a scaffolding." For some days now, the Rev. Reynolds has bees part of something of a local landmark, passers-by have spotted him atop the scaffolding and working on the steeple. For awhile, he was a solitary figure, but recently he has had a bit of company.
His son. J.W., from El Paso dropped by for a visit while on vacation. He was handed a hammer. The two promptly went to work on the steeple. Thus far, the re-roofing portion is Just about finished for most of the church.
But the scaffolding ia still up for the steeple. How do members of the church feel about the project? "It's nice to have a working said one member. He started doing the Job himself. There are Quite a few dmc1 in Fast tt -capable of re-roofing a house. But re-roofing a church can be another thing entirely.
Here's Steeple High atop the steeple of the Grange Hall Methodist Church, the Rev. Jim Reynolds and his son, J.W.. do a little re-roofing work. recovered goes lo attorney Huian Ford and detendeni court ievs MB Cooertt vs Fst Perterred Insurance Companf p4ntifi takes notning and cavse dismissed m-tn prerud ce to tne rnt ot me Hartf same ah casts nere.ii curred na.e been pad fry piaifiM First Kaiionai Bank of Mar trail vs. rrlano Oason.
bank recovers 14 aitrrnf and cos's American Stages insurance vs United Stales Lubricant, inc smissed preiudce a' Piao ti cost Econo Car Company ot Chicago rs Ciane and ktaman Crawford, car company recovers Wat SI pius teres! and costs Barbara Howard Jackson Bruce Marier Carroll, piainrtf recovers iS.HS It. pius costs COUHTVCOORT CrwiMtal Docket Wilne James WHe. DWI Cil Milton Harvey ill. no valid motor venicie xspect appealed from Justice Court Speeding ap pealed from Justice Court Mary Karris Herviii. speeding appealed from Justice Court Peter KuNmen.
speeding and tal to appear appealed from Justice Court Naivie Eugene Powell, speeding appealed from Jutt.ce Court Gladys Lynn Davis, speeding appeal from Corporation Court Lessie Moody, speeding two counts, appealed from Corporation Court John Harker Kamsey, jr un necessary noise appealed from Corporation Court Mary Odm Simmons, speeding appealed from Corporation Court Larry Edward Vales, contributing to tne delinquency ot a minor Roger Rrdick. theft There a the matter of the steeple. "Workers cant just crawl up and start EHJ' restitution ot ijb tt wumn in montns Lewis Jackton. lound guilty ot bait iumpmg and failure lo appear, punisnment assessed at three years at prison Sentencing set District Court Willie Hudson. Jr found guilty ot resisting arrest, a felony, punisnment assessed at egnt years in prison Sentencing is set in Dis'rtct Court CivH OnpatHiaflt First National Bank of Mar snail vs Ray Bison, unl recovers ntn interest and costs Smith Furniture Company vs Bob Lane, dismissed with prejudice at plaintiffs costs.
Steven Aiford vs. Tommy Roy Barton, plaintiff recovers 15,000 from Barton, costs taxed against the defendant. Rutus Patrick vs Federal In suranc Patrick recovers tlo.OOO. Insurance Co agrees lo pay reasonable medical costs for two years and per cent of amount Here's People The Rev. Jim Reynolds, pastor of the Grange Hall Methodist Church, is palling double duty these days, delivering the sermon on Sundays The paint mn ut the Munu Lisa was started by Uimardu da Vinci in '''U.
3 ana re-roonng the I church during the rest of the week. HANCOCK -HANCOCK PhalM by Frankia McCwind FINEST IN PATTERNS McCALL, VOGUE BUTTERICK t'mJ Li i I fJirsAii 5 Our Req. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF $4.69 SUBLISTA TICS' S- i QIANASand i GABARDINE Haiieton Girl Gets Appointed To Organization Karen Craver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z.
T. Craver of Harleton, has been appointed to membership in the Baylor Student Foundation by Baylor Pra.eJrlont Ahnr MrPjtll WW. DOUBLE KNITSW er selection of Print t.l I All Ma-4 CiiAru nlrtr Yrtii Cnn Imnnino! ft 1 1 I11V9I wiwa 3 I SUPER FANTASTIC SELECTION! Florals, Designs, Fandes, Yarn DyeS--w All MachlneS 12 2 I 1 I I Ml I 60" WIDE av -1 ALL ON BOLTS (rS A A Excitingly Refreshing GOLD-EN Sun-drop Washable All On Bolts I Yard mm ALL aa ruiil mm? YARD The organization, comprised of a select group of junior and senior students, has as its primary goals student recruitment and scholarshiD fund WASHABLE BUTTONl HOUR ENTIRE STOCK OF $2.49 bonanza: I HEAVYWEIGHT' SATIN NEW SELECTION! Values to 98' A Yd. iiniwwmminii iiiui I 50 WIDE ALL ION ROLLS assorted COLORS 1. A Card a v.
i HnHBBaBBfi I raising. Miss Craver, a senior marketing major at Baylor, has served as projects chairman and treasurer of the Baylor Marketing Association. She has been active In student government serving as Electoral Commission Chairman during her junior year, and is currently serving as secretary of the Texas Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. She serves as co-chairman of the Big Brother-Big Sister program on the Baylor campus for the current school year, and is a member of Young Americans for Freedom and the Baylor Grand Old Party. Miss Craver was on the Ronald Reagan staff at the Republican National Convention in Kansas City in August.
Easter Seal I. AND 100NYLON WVIIIVWI i 1 1 i ivwo 1 Polyester Flat old Doublelvy Knit We've Had! TfTwwi wpUBLISTATICS'IANAS, and INTERLOCKS PRINTS SOLIDS 1-5 YARD LENGTHS DOUBLE KNITS 1-5 Yard Lengths im 60" WIDE A II MACHlN WASHABLE REG. $1.79 YD. ran f4r 'ii hi- -rV i urn uye, airipes II -w 60' Wide Action line TT fL All Machine, Washable YARD WI A new service for disabled Texas children and adults, called "Easter Seal Action i iii VUI UIUIIU IffSW I. NO-ROLL ELASTIC ft i white only reg.
59 Yd. Une," has been initiated by the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Texas. Easter Seal Action Line's 24-hour, toll-free number, 1-600-492-5S55, can be used by disabled persons and their families to obtain information regarding help they need. William E. Russell, Executive Director for the Texas Easter Seal Society, reports that "Many AnAnin11v in tha rural a4y DRAPERY FABRICS ALL DAY HOrJDA LOOK FOR TABLES MARKED ROBE FLEECE y.
sy ti-, rivmhui; ASSORTED SOLID COLORS TAKUo tor I i I 50'-54" WIDE-MACHIN WASHABLE! AND SAVE 50 to 90off mWm anH Kftttnm ujainht cnArfeuraar 1-10 YARD LENGTHS REG 18 8 Yrd areas, oon i reauze now many services are available for the handicapped today." The line is designed to serve as a link between the handicapped and those services. Through a phone call, persons can receive help In locating the service they need, where it can be obtained and who can provide it for them. Among the services available through the Texas Easter Seal Society Action Line are speech, physical and occupation fia MWSIWS1I I II aVfviiancaif sheers, broadcloths, in prints, florals, solids, stripes, patterns, checks, and lots, lots, more! nr aaaaaaaa aaH I 1 II 1 1 2014 VICTORY DRIVE-MARSHALL OPEN: 11 pm-Sunday-Thursday 11 am-10 pm -Friday -Saturday CALL: 905-5131 therapies, evaluations, and purchase of needed orthopedic equipment, all of which require a physician's authorization. The services are available to handicapped persons of all ages. OPEN: 9 A.M.-6 P.M.
AAON DAY-SATURDAY PHONE; 938-7441 In Marshall: 200 East End North lMUaiHH 1 1 its: i.