Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (THE END) (Game over! No longer accepting players.) RP (2025)

Note: With growing entity and action power, my original method for determining the cost of Armor has become increasingly outdated - as such, I have changed it. If newly spawned entities suddenly have a lot more Armor, this is why.

Banana_The_Second said:

The Tubby Custard Key is drawn by a separate force, a purple orb, and slotted into the machine to perform some generic reviving rituals.

Its target for revival?
Return, return, return to life.

The revived [REDACTED] then proceeds to receive a fine appetiser of Tubby Custard, fresh from the machine.

[180 / 180]: Several ethereal clones appear around V2, while an ethereal aura of whispers appears around him.
Mechanically speaking, V2 now is given a new healthbar unaffected by dodge. 900k HP. Flavour text speaking, V2 in general is technically far easier to hit, as all clones share the same durability. Despite their speed, one of them has to be hit by any attack aimed at them. Striking the real V2, however, causes the clones to take damage instead. His true healthbar with the 75% dodge chance can be targetted by aiming at his head, though you'd still have to deal with his inherent agility.

[268/268]: Rubble comes flying in, coalescing into...A Statue?
It…doesn't seem to do much. In fact, it's so boring that it kind of has Obscurity on it, since it's so insignificant and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things at the moment. But it's…gathering power. Seems to be for some two (or 3???) turn charge ability named DIVINITY, though right now it can't actually use that.
Seems like it'll be upgraded momentarily..?

+64 up for trade, and granted in the form of screams to © (Crimtane Shovel)
+64 to the Core Block in the form of a cane. It bears gravity magic. (Robot # 207)

K, I, N, and G make a KING. Or, a crown named KING, that happens to be capable of applying Morale to its allies.

T, E, N, and D make TEND, a healer shepherd.



Your magnum opus returns to life after being fed some truly transcendental Tubby Custard! Or... unlife, I suppose. He is undead after all. You can't feed him more Tubby Custard, though, as the machine isn't ready yet!

V2 upgraded! A Statue summoned!

KING summoned! TEND summoned!

Crimtane Shovel said:

[Charge Gifting]
A swift +64 to Pol (Banana_The_Second) to avoid anyone else procuring it.
a +64 to [Billions of Names at Once] (Krill13). Summon Gang.

Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Drop by drop, the glass slowly filled. At current rates, it was destined to overflow eventually, but far enough to be a non-issue.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

Occasionally, the rate suddenly grew at an alarming rate. It never lasted long, but enough to throw off a few calculations.
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

...And then, without warning, what once was drops became a tidal wave. The glass wavered-
Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

-And Shattered.

[Main Action]
©, pushed time and time again to his limits, snaps. An unholy, painful screech comes out of it as the weight of all it sought to bury crushes them. The scream carries on, and on, and on, until it just as abruptly ends.

©, observing this, opens a small rift... and departs. It can be assumed to be not a permanent absence, but at least for the moment.

And ©, their still form,

melts. Without warning they lose all stability and shape as they return to a puddle along the burning ground. No eyes to fail in the sandstorm. Not now. Slowly, the mass snakes its way around the battlefield, before coming to rest underneath Budge. Here, the mass along the floor lurches, and it seals them within itself. Nowhere to hide. Not now.

And the sphere formed relentlessly assaults Budge, half-liquid pikes forming and dissipating as they tear into Budge without end. No chance to defend. Not now. And, as the sole Entity of Ian is mercilessly carved into, © reforms in with them. And with a single, well placed appendage-

Budge feels a horrible pain as © pierces clean through their head. No one to save them. Not ever.

[Entity "Commands"]
THE ROD continues its sole purpose in life.

Memory of a Boatmaker enjoys his boat ride ig.


[500 USAGE]
... Amidst the ruins of what once ©'s allies, a faint light arises, light pink in color. The color of Dreams. The light slowly coalesces into 3 distinct forms. One, a suit of armor, a chain attached to the center. The second, a silhouette of a warrior, still gripping what can be presumed to be a blade. The third, a figure wrapped tight in cloth, clutching a staff. The 3 forms slowly come into being, as a rift opens. The same one © departed in. From it, falls a single crystal, Scarlet light gently escaping its form. A fragment of a being long forgotten to time. A Shard of a great deity of another world.

And from this fragment do the 3 forms converge. They, without fanfare, cease to be as the light they were made of swirls around the Shard. The light solidifies around this source of power, and from it gains stability. In a single, blinding flash, what was once many has become one. It resembles a great church bell, the center carved out and filled with a lone crystal eye. The Shard makes up the pupil. Glyphs and runes of Dreams faintly come into being around it. With a single, mournful peal, the bell chimes. Light bursts from the eye, and begins to change between the 3 forms which made it. It stops on the Armored one, and solidifies into existence. This construct turns around to The Globe, and the chain from its chest launched towards it, and attaches. Tethering the two's souls. A Lifelink, created.

The Essence of Dreams has awoken from its slumber.

You try to viciously destroy Budge, but your attack is intercepted and deflected!

Essence of Dreams summoned!

Krill13 said:


it don't bite:

"Uhh yeahh sorry about my pet MOTHS uhh they just really like your flames and can't help but nibble playfully on you but uhh I can reel 'em back tho if they bug you too much?"

MOTHPIRE talk again:

"ok but fr do you have plans or are you just "SEE FIRE, MUST EAT FIRE"?


+256 from <![if !ie]> splitting my self into two halves and yeah this is not a healthy process <![endif]>

Ok so while I'd like to let this fancy army of moths meet my moth lads, I kinda am in this particularly long line and I need about a number of tens of millions to hold my spot for a sec so uhh yeah can you folks hold it for me I gotta go water my dogs ok byeee~ proceeds to never return

Summon Gang ye~

[66/66] oh
[50/50] baby
[50/50] a triple

+48 to © in the form of someone else's heart. (+48 to Crimtane Shovel)
+48 to Mischief in the form of a guy who just got out of the Void and is celebrating the fact that he got out of the Void and would rather like to not have to be devoured by the Void again. (+48 to DreadKnight22)

The stall fire's been put out. Business resumes. 32 +1's for +1's. It is still gun-proof and bullet-proof. Fire-proofness is still questionable.
(+32 up for trade) (+32 to Robot # 207)


The lively aura of the Overworld influences this action...

With a frankly painful snap of the fingers - and I do mean painful like, ow I think I ended up angling that one horribly - a strange blue veil wraps around all entities operating under my name. On a closer look, it would seem that this veil is composed of... a whole lot of text, all of them simply passages that challenge the validity of attacking whatever is subject to its hold, though the concept the words put forth, as well as the purpose behind them, are actualized into tangibility; they indeed serve their purpose of shielding the entities under their embrace.

One further look into the veil of flowing passages reveals that this isn't some manner of spell or such cast upon a great number of entities: the conglomerate of text lives and breathes in the same manner as that of an entity, for it indeed exists in that state, and it is indeed in its direct actions that it protects those currently in its hold.

And so manifests Protection Writ.

(stats-wise, Protection Writ is all HP for bodyguarding purposes)


"Welp, can't say I didn't exactly expect that to happen. Now come on, I'll get you fixed."

<![if !ie]> And it is with a conferral of Charges that the first insignia is lit up once again, and the scythe returns to The Idea's possession. As it brandishes its returned implement for the next deed- <![endif]>

"That being said I am gonna have to veto whatever you're thinking of doing right there. Now come on, scythe down."

<![if !ie]> ...

The Idea complies.



I toss a couple more charges to the AoE Healing Drive to get its Ram-to-Healing ratio up to a nice and ironically even 5:1. Leftover charge potential goes to its HP, or, conversely, some recalibration from its existing HP into the ratio if 50 Charges is somehow not enough.


Lastly, now that both the Shadow Knight and the Shadow Rook are gone and the Shadow Pawn has no one to thematically match with, I toss the lad a good ol' makeover, turnin' our poor ol' crawlin' thing on the ground to a superior human-shape silhouette thingy. Still gonna stick the branding to Shadow Pawn and all that though.


The Protection Writ bodyguards all [Krill13 - N] entities.


The still-sharing-a-line A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin and Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! once again do no smacking.

<![if !ie]> The Idea is made to be idle as of now, and one can ascertain a sense of disapproval from having been made to do so. <![endif]>

"...c'mon, you know why."

<![if !ie]> "May it be so that The Process of today shall be as so:" <![endif]>

intentful gaze

<![if !ie]> <Chess Drive> 250,000 RAM into pushing the Shadow Pawn upwards
<AoE Healing Drive> All Remaining RAM of 1,750,000 to Healing, first served to the Shadow Pawn, then Protection Writ, then spread randomly to just about any damaged entities, Chaos faction included.
<Empty Drive Slot> N/A


The Shadow Pawn waddles onwards with their new, totally-superior-for-movement human-shaped body.


Protection Writ summoned!

The Idea upgraded!

The ratio can't go lower than 6:1. Your Charge is refunded.

Shadow Pawn upgraded!

Robot # 207 said:

Core Squad:
All Combat Units

Medium Tank
Logistic Units
Support Units

The Core Block observes as The Cube pieces are swallowed into the Darkness, as they sink The Core Block runs diagnostics
Running Diagnostics...
All Systems fully functional
Connecting to Creations.....

Core Control Re-Established
Vehicle Power and Control functions online
Selecting Primary Vehicle...

The Core Block Glows, and The Knight builds around The Core Block.

The Knight turns his head, he looks around for Mischief briefly, but then he simply announces his intentions

[Bodyguarding orders]
"Thanks for helping me out, consider any debts you think you owe to me all cleared, What I'm doing here is just protecting my investments, so no need to pay me back"
Void Given Focus Guard Layers: Armor Blocks --> Armor Block Containers --> Defender Mech --> The Cube --> Medium Tank --> Void Given Focus
Explosive Mega Pyramid Guards all regular Core Block Army (the ones that aren't on Void guard duty)
The Guardian Mech will guard whatever core block forces remain after the Chaos Morpho is done
Ejected Cabs will be placed in the final protective layer, not that it matters to the Chaos Morpho

[Spoil of War]
The Squirrel jumps out of the wreck, as usual, he's ready to enter another vehicle, He is directed to enter the newly built Tiny Car

The Knight reaches out, the Gravity Cane glows and throws the Pale Blade right at The Knight, he deftly catches the blade and uses the momentum to enter a stance, ready to strike.

Before he can decide what to strike though, he receives a telepathic message, but he is also called out in verbal communication, The Telepathic Message is much more understandable than whatever gobbledygook he's hearing though, so The Knight moves with purpose, because he has to do his Duty.

He Walks over to the Moth Paladin, presenting the Flat of his Pale Blade to the Paladin, The Variable Entity Wounds then move over to combine with the Blade, enhancing it, now with a powered up sword, The Knight Charges forward.

The Knight dashes, then he Jumps into the air towards The Twins, as he gets closer to his target he pulls his sword back, then he swings right when he reaches the Curse, as the Blade makes contact it glows white, and the injuries embedded into the blade transfer to the opponent, this damage is already significant enough to affect the Twins, causing them to Flinch, The Knight then grabs on to one of them and swings around to kick the other twin straight in the Face, finally he raises his blade up into the sky and plunges it down straight into the Skull of his opponent, his enemies then glow White before they Explode in a Pale Light.

OOC: If there's still attack power leftover this part will direct it

With his main Bounty fulfilled, The Knight is no longer bound by his Duties, so he searches for another target to strike because he still has plenty of wounds to dispense, he spots the Light and Immediately jumps from the Twin that he was holding on to, Aiming to strike at the Light from above.

While The Knight is falling he sets up one of his Void Blades and a Void Battery, forming a Block Handle he mounts the Blade and forms a Void Sword, then he builds a power wire to connect the Void Battery to the Void Blade, he then finishes his device just in time to Stab the Light with both of his Swords, The Pale Blade releases the stored injuries, then it Glows with a Pale Light that clashes the Chaotic light, the combat between the two dueling light gives the Void Blade an opportunity to absorb the Chaotic light, the energy of the Chaos is absorbed into the Void Blade and transferred into the Void Battery, powering it up and weakening the Vengeance at the same time, The Knight then pulls out both of his Swords and sheathes them, it looks like he might be done with his attack, but then he pulls out a Blue Power Cable and stabs it right into the light, the light gets weaker as the cable (and the Core Block presumably) glows brighter, after absorbing a little more power The Knight then retracts the power cable and retreats back to his previous spot, Finally done with his attack.

[Defense Mech 0/12] +12 from Billions of Names
HP: 25,000/25,000, Armor: 4,000, Regeneration: 1,000, Reaction Fire: 2,000
[Medium Tank 0/12] +12 from Billions of Names
HP: 20,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000, Regeneration: 2,500, Armor: 2,500
[Tiny Car 0/2] +2 from Billions of Names
HP: 5,000, Attack: 1,250
[Command Mech 0/31] +24 from Joe of the Past, +6 from Billions of Names, +1 from Charging
entities under Core Control have an additional 1,000 Armor for the turn, Cab Eject (Because of Cab eject the MHP is < 75,000)
[Spider Tank 0/12] +8 from Joe of the Past, +4 from Pol and Kirby
HP: 20,000/20,000, Dodge: 20%, Armor: 1,000, Attack: 2,500, Regeneration 2,500
[Medium Artillery 0/12] +12 from Pol and Kirby
HP: 25,000/25,000, Attack: 6,250, Regeneration 2,500
[Explosive Mega Pyramid 0/48] +48 from Pol and Kirby
Has HP and a Deathrattle, the Deathrattle deals damage to its killer and spawns a Guardian Mech
[Guardian Mech 0/24] HP: 50,000/50,000, Armor: 4,000, Regeneration: 2,000, Reaction Fire: 4,000

[Unit Actions]
Survivors, if there even are any, will continue doing their actions after the damage has been done

[Core Vehicle 618/745] +127 from Charging, +48 from Mischief (in the form of Void Bombs and Missiles), +32 from Pricey in the form of Reinforced Materials
+64 to Banana_The_Second
+32 to JOEbobobob for his trades from Update 24 that were unclaimed

+32 to Krill13 in the form of a Wooden Wall, it has a bunch of Nailguns duct taped to it for some reason (The Nailguns are empty)

128 owed to Tazz
92 owed to Mischief
32 owed to Pricey

Norm's Heart: In Tiny Car

Reinforcements summoned!

You strike at The Twins, destroying it!

Two beings separated become intertwined once more.

You bring the power of Void down on The Light In The Darkness! You deal 1,000,000 damage!

Dinfinity said:



wafer attacks yet again, calling upon all yet another thing of destructive light from worlds still separate in the hopes that the are anathema to the power of chaos morpho

You destroy The Telescope!

The stars return to their proper state.

Your attack spills over to another Curse... You destroy The Globe!

Memories warped by time are settled and calmed.

JOEbobobob said:

|\|4|-| 7|-|47 3|\|7|7¥ |-|4|\||)0\/3|‾ \|/45 4 \|/|53 |\/|0\/3 63(4|_|53 |*|‾35|_||\/|461¥ 07|-|3|‾\|/|53 411 7|-|3 411|3|) 3|\|7|7|35 \|/0|_|1|)4 |)|3|) |‾|9|-|7 7|-|3|\|, 533||\|9 45 [|‾3|)4(73|) |*3|‾ |*|‾070(01 4000-35|-||_|] 6|7 |7. |*1|_|5 ||‾ 7|-|3 3|\|7|7¥ |)||) 3|\||) |_||* 63||\|9 64|) | (0|_|1|) |<|11 |7 6¥ 5|*34|<||\|9 ||\| 10\|/3|‾(453.
|\|0\|/, ¥0|_| |\/||9|-|7 7|-|||\||< 7|-||5 \|/45 57|11 4 |\/||574|<3 63(4|_|53 1||<3, [|‾3|)4(73|) |*3|‾ |*|‾070(01 4000-35|-||_|] |)|3|), 4|\||) 7|-|47'5 64|), 4|\||) |\/|4¥63 ||‾ 7|-|3 |)4|\/|493 \|/45 5|*|‾34|) 0|_|7 4 6|7 |\/|0|‾3 |-|3 \|/0|_|1|) |-|4\/3 1|\/3|). 4150 |\|0\|/ 7|-|3|‾3'5 |\|060|)¥ 70 |\/|4|<3 7|-||5 |*057 ||\|70 13375|*33|<, |\|07 1||<3 7|-|3 |\/|07|-| |*414|)||\| 0|‾ 7|-|3 6664 |)3|7¥ |5 90|\||\|4 |)0 7|-|47 (|*5|-|7 |7'11 _||_|57 |_||-||-||-||-||-| |*|(709|‾4|\/|5. |\/||-||\/|. 7|-|47'5 \|/|-|47 4|\|||\/|47|0|\|5 4|‾3 |‾|9|-|7? 0|\|1¥ |*|‾0613|\/| |5 7|-|3 |*414|)||\| |)035|\|'7 |<|\|0\|/ |-|0\|/ 70 |)|‾4\|/ |-|4|\||)5. |\/|07|-| |-|4|\||)5 5|*3(||‾|(411¥. 533, |\/|07|-|5 |)0|\|'7 |-|4\/3 |-|4|\||)5. 7|-|3¥ |-|4\/3 7|-|353 |‾|_|22¥ |‾3313|‾-139-7|-|||\|9|35? 6|_|7 45 4 |*414|)||\|, 7|-|3 |\/|07|-| |*414|)||\| 0|‾ 7|-|3 6664 |)3|7¥ |-|45 |-|4|\||)5. 4|\||) 4 \/49|_|31¥ |-||_||\/|4|\|0||) 4|\|470|\/|¥ 4|\||) 57|_||‾|‾. 50 |7 |)035|\|'7 |<|\|0\|/ |-|0\|/ 70 |)|‾4\|/ |75 0\|/|\| |-|4|\||)5. |\/|4¥63 |7'11 3|\/||*10¥ 7|-|3 (1455|( 0|\|70109|(411¥ |)4|\/|493|) 7|-||3|‾ |‾3|)4(7|0|\| 73(|-||\||0.|_|3 (614(|< 5(|‾|66135 7|-|47 |‾|_|11¥ 065(|_||‾3 7|-|47 |*4|‾7)? 0|‾ |\/|4¥63 |7'11 |*|‾4¥ 70 |75 |)3|7¥ 70 501\/3 |*|‾0613|\/|5.)
<![if !ie]> 7|-|3 \|/|-|013 |*0||\|7 |5 |=4||‾1¥ |\/|007, 63(4|_|53- <![endif]>

4 (3|‾74||\| ||\||)|\/||)|_|41 \|/|7|-| ~7\|/|(3 45 |\/||_|(|-| |-||* 45 7|-|3 \/4|‾|4613 3|\|7|7¥(0|_|1|) |\|3\/3|‾ |-|4\/3 633|\| \|/|‾|773|\| 0|_|7 0|‾ 7|-|3 570|‾¥ 50 4|\|7|(1||\/|4(7|(411¥. |7 \|/0|_|1|) 0|‾ (0|_||‾53 |-|4\/3 74|<3|\| 4 93|\|||_|5 70 |‾341|23 7|-|3 6|99357 3|\|7|7¥ 70 |)|3 1457 |‾0|_||\||) \|/45 \/|_|1|\|3|‾4613 47 411, 5||\|(3 |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 (0|_|1|) |\|07 |-|4\/3 633|\| |‾3|\/|0\/3|) 50 4|\|7|(1||\/|4(7|(411¥ \|/45 7|-|3 |\/|057 |)|_||‾4613 |\|0|\|-<0> 3|\|7|7¥ 0|\| 7|-|3 647713|‾|31|). |-|0\|/3\/3|‾, 4 |‾3(3|\|71¥-|)34|) 93|\|||_|5 |)|_||)3 \|/45 4 93|\|||_|5. 7|-||_|5 |-|3 |‾341|23|) 7|-||5 |\/||9|-|7 |-|4|*|*3|\|. 7|-||5 |‾4|535 7|-|3 0.|_|357|0|\| 0|‾ \|/|-|¥ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 137 |-|||\/|531|‾ 63 |<|113|) 1457 |_||*|)473 |-|4|) 137 |-|||\/|531|‾ 63 |<|113|). |-|3 |-|4|) |)0|\|3 7|-||5 7|-|||\|9 |‾0|‾ 53\/3|‾41 |‾3450|\|5. 0|\|3 |‾3450|\| ||\||)|\/||)|_|41 \|/|-|0 |-|4|) 53\/3|‾41 |)347|-|-6453|) |*14|\|5 |-|4|) |)0|\|3 7|-||5 \|/45 70 5|*4|‾3 |-||5 411|35 |‾|‾0|\/| 7|-|3 4774(|<. 4|\| 4774(|< 7|-|47 (0|_|1|) |<|11 7|-|3 |-||9|-|357-|-|3417|-| 3|\|7|7¥(|\/|0|‾|*|-|0 |)035|\|'7 (0|_||\|7) 45 0|‾ 1457 |_||*|)473 (0|_|1|) |)0 7|-|3 54|\/|3 |‾0|‾ |‾0|_|9|-|1¥ 411 0|‾ |-||5 411|35. 4|\|07|-|3|‾ |‾3450|\| \|/45 7|-|47 4 93|\|||_|5 \|/|-|0 |)3|‾||\||731¥ |‾0|‾354\|/ |-||5 |)347|-| |<|\|3\|/ |7 \|/0|_|1|) 63 |-|4|‾|) 70 (0|\|\/||\|(3 4|\|¥0|\|3 7|-|47 7|-|3 |\/|0|‾|*|-|0 \|/45 7|-||5 |*0\|/3|‾|‾|_|1 \|/|7|-|0|_|7 7|-|3|\/| 533||\|9 |7 |*3|‾50|\|411¥, 4|\||) |-||5 |)3|\/||53 \|/0|_|1|) 63 7|-|3 (134|‾357 ||\||)|(470|‾ 7|-||5 7|-||‾347 \|/45 70 63 74|<3|\| 53|‾|0|_|51¥.
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|\|0\|/ 3|‾|‾0|‾-(|-|3(|<||\|9 |-|4|) 633|\| ||\/||*|‾0\/3|) ||\| |\/|4|\|¥ \|/4¥5, ||\|(1|_||)||\|9 411 0|‾ 7|-|3|\/|.
|)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |-|0|*3|) 70 63 |‾|‾33|) 0|‾ 45|*3|‾4'5 (|_||‾53 |-|4|) 4150 |-|0|*3|) |)347|-|, 4|\||) 5|_|6530.|_|3|\|7 |‾35|_||‾|‾3(7|0|\| 6¥ 4 |\/|34|\|5 45 |*0\|/3|‾|‾|_|1 45 7|_|66¥ (|_|574|‾|),\|/0|_|1|) 3|\||) |-||5 (|_||‾53, 4110\|/||\|9 ||\||)|\/||)|_|41 \|/|-|0 \|/0|_|1|) |*055355 |\/|4|\|||‾01|)-14|‾93|‾ |*0\|/3|‾ ||\| 7|-|3 4653|\|(3 0|‾ 45|*3|‾4'5 6||\||)||\|95 70 4774||\| |-||5 7|‾|_|3 57|‾3|\|97|-|. |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |5 57|11 (|_||‾53|) 6¥ 45|*3|‾4 54|)1¥ |)||) |\|07 937 7|-||5 \|/|5|-|, 6|_|7 |\/|4|\| \|/|7|-| |‾341|57|( |)347|-|-|‾31473|) 3><|*3(747|0|\|5 |)||) |\|07 |‾3411¥ 3><|*3(7 70. |7 \|/45 _||_|57 4|\| |_||\|1||<31¥ 5||)3-63|\|3|‾|7 \|/|-||(|-|, ||‾ |7 |-|4|*|*3|\|3|), \|/0|_|1|) 63 |‾3411¥ |‾3411¥ 6|9 4|\||) |\/|4|<3 |)¥||\|9 \/3|‾¥ \|/0|‾7|-| |7.
|\|0\|/ ¥0|_| |<|\|0\|/ \|/|-|¥ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |)|3|) ||\| 4 (13\/3|‾ 4|\||) |*0|9|\|4|\|7 \|/4¥ 4|\||) 7|-|3|\| (4|\/|3 64(|<, 1||<3 _||_|57 |\|0\|/ |)|3|) 4|\||) \|/|-|¥ 7|-|47'5 (13\/3|‾ 4|\||) |*0|9|\|4|\|7.
3\/3|\| 7|-|0|_|9|-| 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 7|-|3 |\|4|‾|‾47|0|\| |\/||574|<3|\|1¥ (14||\/|3|) \|/45 |\|07 (0|\/|||\|9 64(|< |-|4|) |*14|\||\|3|) 7|-||5, |-|3 \|/45 57|11 51|9|-|71¥ 9|‾473|‾|_|1 70 7|-|3 |_|53|‾ 0|‾ 7|-|3 7|_|66¥ (|_|574|‾|) |\/|4(|-|||\|3. |‾35|_||‾|‾3(7||\|9 |-|||\/| \|/45 06\/|0|_|51¥ 7|-|3 |‾|9|-|7 (|-|0|(3, 6|_|7 |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |\|4|‾|‾47|0|\| \|/45 |\/|0|‾3 4((|_||‾473 7|-|4|\| 7|-|3 |_||*|)473 |<|\|3\|/ 7|-|3|‾3 \|/45 41\|/4¥5 4 51|9|-|7 |)0|_|67 0|‾ ||‾ |*30|*13 \|/0|_|1|) |)0 7|-|3 |‾|9|-|7 (|-|0|(3. 35|*3(|411¥ \|/|-||13 (|_||‾53|) 4|\||) ||\| (0|\/|647. 7|-|3¥ |-|4|) 633|\| 5|_|((355|‾|_|1 47 (0|\/||*373|\|(3, 50 |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 7|-|3|\/|3|) |*|224 4150 _||_|57 |)|3|) \|/45 90||\|9 70 |‾3\|/4|‾|) 7|-|3|\/|. 0|\|3 0|‾ 7|-|3 \|/4¥5 |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |*0\|/3|‾ |5 ||\| |‾4(7 900|) 494||\|57 7|-|3 |*0\|/3|‾ 0|‾ 7|-|3 5|_||\| \|/0|_|1|) |)0 7|-||5 \|/45 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3 |*00|‾ (0|‾3 610(|< 4((355 70 7|-|3 \/4|‾|4613 3|\|7|7¥'5 \|/0|_||\||)5, 63(4|_|53 |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 9|‾33|\| |5 |\|07 |\|0|‾\/|13|‾0|)93|‾5 9|‾33|\| |<|\|3\|/ 7|-|47 ||‾ |-|3 137 |_||\||‾357|‾|(73|) ||\||)|\/||)|_|415 4(7, 7|-|3¥ \|/0|_|1|) 63 5|_||‾3 70 |_|53 7|-|3 |‾350|_||‾(35 \|/311, 5|_|(|-| 45 |)357|‾0¥||\|9 7|-|3 \|/34|<357 (|_||‾53 \|/|-||(|-| |5 4150 0|\|3 0|‾ 7|-|3 |\/|0|‾3 |)4|\|93|‾0|_|5 (|_||‾535, 4|\||) 7|-||5 \|/0|_|1|) 63|\|3|‾|7 7|-|3 (|_|574|‾|) |_|53|‾.
7|-|3|‾3 \|/45 4150 4|\|07|-|3|‾ \|/4¥ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 \|/45 460|_|7 70 |-|31|* 7|-|3 (|_|574|‾|) |_|53|‾ \|/0|_|1|) |-|31|* 7|-|3 (|_|574|‾|) |_|53|‾. ||\| |‾4(7, 7|-|3|‾3 \|/3|‾3 |\/|4|\|¥ \|/4¥5. 7|-|3|‾3 \|/3|‾3 128 \|/4¥5 |-|3 \|/|-|0 \|/|11 |-|31|* 7|-|3 (|_|574|‾|) |_|53|‾ 128 |\/|0|‾3 \|/4¥5 \|/0|_|1|) |-|31|* 7|-|3 (|_|574|‾|) |_|53|‾. |-|3|‾3 4|‾3 7|-|3 \|/4¥5 |‾3110\|/ 50 4|\/|42||\|9 |-||5 |\|34|‾1¥ 41\|/4¥5 9|\/3 4|)\/3|\|7|_||‾3|‾5 (|-|4|‾93 |*0||\|75 \|/0|_|1|) |-|31|* 7|-|3 (|_|574|‾|) |_|53|‾.

+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 63773|‾ 646¥ 7|-|4|\| \/|014'5 646¥ |<33|*||\|9 7|-|3||‾ |‾|_|7|_||‾3 646|35 0|‾|‾ (10(|< 70\|/3|‾5.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |-|4|) |\/|0|‾3 0|‾ 531|‾-|*|‾353|‾\/47|0|\| ||\|57||\|(7 47 1 (|-|0|_||‾) 7|-|4|\| \/|014'5 646¥ |-|4|) 47 10 (|\/|0|\|7|-|5)'5 4|)\/|(3 0|\| \|/|-|3|\| 70 7|‾|_|57 ¥0|_||‾ ||\|57||\|(75
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 4(7|_|411¥ |-|45 531|‾-|*|‾353|‾\/47|0|\| 109|( ||\|5734|) 0|‾ ||\|57||\|(7, 63(4|_|53 |-|3 |-|45 5|_||‾|*4553|) |-||5 ||\|57||\|(75 734(|-|||\|9 7|-|3 \|/4¥5 0|‾ 531|‾-|*|‾353|‾\/47|0|\| 109|(
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|053 |‾||\|93|‾5 \|/3|‾3 57|‾0|\|93|‾ 7|-|4|\| |‾|_||‾|0 (4|)4\/3|‾||\||'5 3\/3|\| 45 4 646¥ |-|31|*||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|‾4||\| 7|-|3||‾ |‾||\|93|‾5 70 63 57|‾0|\|93|‾ 7|-|4|\| 4 646|35.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| |‾|‾0|\/| 4 70\|/|\| \|/|-|053 (10(|< 70\|/3|‾ |-|45 4 53(0|\||)5 |-|4|\||)'5 53(0|\||) |-|4|\||) (7|-|47 |5, 7|-|3 53(0|\||) 0|\|3 7|-|47 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 (4|_|53|) 4 (|‾||\/|3 7|-|47 |-|31|*3|) 9|_||\/|5|-|03 |\/|4|<3 4 7|‾4||\|||\|9 53|\/|||\|4|‾ 907 |‾|‾0|\/| 50|\/|30|\|3 3153.)
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 ||\|574|\|71¥ |‾341|23|) 7|-|3|‾3 \|/45 4 900|) |‾3450|\| 9|_||\/|5|-|03'5 50|\| \|/45 |\|4|\/|3|) 6063|‾7 3><|*14||\|||\|9 \|/|-|¥ 9|_||\/|5|-|03'5 50|\| \|/45 |\|4|\/|3|) 6063|‾7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |_||\||)3|‾5700|) \|/|7|-|0|_|7 3><|*14|\|47|0|\| 7|-|47 6063|‾7'5 |\|4|\/|3 \|/45 5|\/|4|‾7 4|\||) |*0|9|\|4|\|7, |_||\|1||<3 4 |)373(7|\/3 3><|*14||\|||\|9 \|/|-|¥ 9|_||\/|5|-|03'5 50|\| \|/45 |\|4|\/|3|) 6063|‾7 4|\||) \|/|-|¥ 7|-|47'5 5|\/|4|‾7 4|\||) |*0|9|\|4|\|7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|337||\|9 7|-|3 |\/|4|\| |)|‾490|\| |\/|37 63|‾0|‾3 |‾37|_||‾|\|||\|9 70 7|-|3 |‾0¥41 |*414(3 ||\| |<|-||_||‾4||\| (|7¥ 1473|‾ ||\| |<|-||_||‾4||\|. 3\/3|\| ||‾ ¥0|_|'\/3 |\/|37 |‾03 0|‾ 7|-|3 5|-|4|)0\|/¥ |*3|‾50|\| |‾|‾0|\/| 7|-|3 3|\||) 0|‾ (|-|4|*73|‾ 24 63|‾0|‾3, |\/|337||\|9 |-|||\/| 494||\| |5 4 9|‾347 600|\|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |_||\||<|\|0\|/||\|91¥ |\/|337||\|9 |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |_||\||<|\|0\|/||\|91¥ |\/|37 '|*3|‾(¥ |*3|‾(|\/41' 45 4 |*0\|/3|‾ 4|‾|\/|0|‾ \|/|-||13 |-|3 |5 \|/34|‾||\|9 |*3|‾(¥ |*3|‾(|\/41'5 |*0\|/3|‾ 4|‾|\/|0|‾.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾03 0|‾ 7|-|3 |<|-||_||‾4||\| |<||\|9 4|\||) 0.|_|33|\|'5 4|)0|*73|) 50|\| ||\|57411||\|9 ¥0|_| 45 4 |*|‾||\|(3 ||\| 4 5|\/|411 (0|_||\|7|‾¥
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4|\| 4|)\/3|\|7|_||‾35-0|‾-|‾03 0|‾ 7\|/0 6|‾4|\||) |\|3\|/ 5|-|4|)0\|/¥ |‾|9|_||‾35 |*1|_|5 |_|17|‾4-6|‾4|\||) 5|-|4|)0\|/¥ |‾|9|_||‾3 |<|7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 |‾||‾3|*14(3 |‾00|\/| |)35|9|\|3|) 6¥ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 0|*|*0|\|3|\|7 |-|4|) 4 |*3|‾50|\|41 |‾||‾3|*14(3 |‾00|\/| 70 |*|_|7 |‾||‾3 ||\| |*14(35 ||\| 7|-|3 |‾00|\/|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 6|‾|3|‾1¥ |)314¥3|) |*3|‾(¥ |‾|‾0|\/| 134|‾|\|||\|9 460|_|7 5|_|((355|‾|_|11 (|-|4|\||\|31||\|9 6|‾|3|‾1¥ |)314¥||\|9 3|\|3|\/||35 |‾|‾0|\/| 533||\|9 7|-|3||‾ |\|3><7 5|_||\/||\/|0|\| 0|‾ 4774(|<.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 |‾03 (4113|) |‾0|‾ 7|-|3 |<|-||_||‾4||\|353 |*0\|/3|‾ (|‾¥5741 3><|*14||\|||\|9 |-|0\|/ 70 |)357|‾0¥ |*0\|/3|‾ (|‾¥57415 4|\||) \|/|-|¥ 7|-|3¥ 4|‾3 4 5|_|60|*7||\/|41 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |*0\|/3|‾.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |_||\|(13'5 |‾|‾4|\/|3|‾ |‾317 9|_||17¥ 460|_|7 57341||\|9 4 |*3|\| 6|_|7 |\|07 460|_|7 53|\|73|\|(||\|9 4|\| ||\||\|0(3|\|7 |\/|4|\| 70 |)347|-| 5|\/||-| |‾|‾4|\/|||\|9 ¥0|_||‾ 3|\|3|\/||35 |‾0|‾ |-|47||\|9 4|\/|3|‾||*4|\| 4|\||) |\|07 |‾331||\|9 9|_||17¥ 460|_|7 |7.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 \|/0|_|1|)|\|'7 |‾331 9|_||17¥ 460|_|7 57341||\|9 4 |\/|49|( |*3|\| 57341||\|9 411 7|-|3 (|_||‾|‾3|\|7 6055'5 |*3|\|5 4|\||) 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 ¥0|_|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |*3|‾50|\| \|/|-|0 57. |*373|‾'5 |\/|49|( |*3|\| \|/45 |-|||)|)3|\| |‾|‾0|\/| 5\|/4|*|*||\|9 ¥0|_||‾ (4|‾ |<3¥5 |‾0|‾ |\/|0|‾3 |*3|\|5
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 \|/45 |\/|34|\|7 70 |\|3\/3|‾ |‾||\||) 57 |*373|‾'5 |*3|\| |‾||\||)||\|9 ¥0|_||‾ (4|‾ |<3¥5 |‾0|‾ ¥0|_|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |‾3450|\| 57 |*373|‾'5 |*3|\| \|/3|\|7 |)33|*, |)33|* ||\|70 4 73|\/||*13 9|\/||\|9 ¥0|_| 4 |\/|||\||47|_||‾3 73|\/||*13 70 |-|||)3 06_|3(75 ||\|, 1||<3 |*3|\|5.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 0|\|3 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 5|_|60|‾|)||\|4735 (411 |-|||\/| |\/|4573|‾ 4|‾73|‾ 411 4|\||) |-|3'5 |‾||\|3 \|/|7|-| |7'5 5|_|60|‾|)||\|4735.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 _|4|*3 |)35|9|\|3|) 6¥ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0, ||\| 50|\/|3 0|_|7(0|\/|35, \|/45 5|_|6_|3(7 70 5|-|4|)0\|/ |*4|*¥|‾|_|5'5 _|4|*35
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 ||\|(357|947|0|\|...5'3|) |)3|‾||\|||\|9 ||\|(357|947|0|\|5.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| 6310\/3|) 6¥ 4 \/3|‾¥ |‾341 9|‾4|\||)|\/|07|-|3|‾ 5|9|\|||\|9 7|-|3||‾ 9|‾4|\||)|\/|07|-|3|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 \/3|‾5|0|\| 0|‾ 447 |‾347|_||‾||\|9 |-|3 \|/|-|0 4 \/3|‾¥ |‾341 9|‾4|\||)|\/|07|-|3|‾ \|/4|\|73|) 4|)|)3|) 70 447.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |\|4|‾|‾470|‾'5 9|‾4|\||)|\/|07|-|3|‾ \|/45 (1053 70 |)347|-| 0|‾ 01|)|\|355 (|_||‾||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 0|‾ 01|)|\|355.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 (|‾4|*(0|\/| \|/0|_|1|)'\/3 |-|4|) 70 4|)|) ||‾ 4 |*37|7|0|\| |-|4|) 3|\|0|_|9|-| \/0735 4|)|)||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 7|-|3 447 \/3|‾5|0|\| 7|-|47 |‾347|_||‾35 |-|||\/|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 570|‾¥ |-|45 30 (|-|4|*73|‾5 63(4|_|53 3\/3|‾¥ 7||\/|3 |7 9035 0\/3|‾ 30 50|\/|3 0|‾ 7|-|3 1473|‾ 0|\|35 |‾|_|53 70937|-|3|‾ 7311||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 30-(|-|4|*73|‾ 570|‾¥
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 3|\|73|‾3|) 7|-|3 54|\/|3 (|7¥ 45 4 (|_||‾|0 5|-|0|* 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 (|_||‾|0 5|-|0|*.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ ||\| 7|-|3 54|\/|3 (|-|4|*73|‾ 45 7|-|3 (|_||‾|0|_|5 (|_||‾|0 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 (|_||‾|0|_|5 (|_||‾|0
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 \|/0|_|1|) |*|‾06461¥ 1||<3|\| 60|)¥ |*4|‾75 70 9|4|\|7 |\/|07|-|5 |-|4|\||)||\|9 0\/3|‾ 50|\/|3 9|4|\|7-|\/|07|-|-1||<3 06_|3(75
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 |‾|‾0|\/| 4 \|/0|‾1|) \|/|-|3|‾3 |7'5 |*|‾0|*3|‾ |‾0|‾ (|-||1|)|‾3|\| 70 |_|53 4|)4175 45 |-||_||\/|4|\| 5|-||31|)5 |‾3\/341||\|9 7|-|053 06_|3(75 4|‾3 4(7|_|411¥ _||_|57 9|4|\|7 |\/|07|-|5.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 \|/0|_|1|) |\|3\/3|‾ |\|33|) 4 |-||_||\/|4|\| 5|-||31|) |_||\|1||<3 1|_||<3 |*|‾0\/||)||\|9 1|_||<3 45 4 |-||_||\/|4|\| 5|-||31|)
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0, 7|-|0|_|9|-| |_||\||\|33|)||\|9 0|‾ |-||_||\/|4|\| 5|-||31|)5, \|/0|_|1|) |\|3\/3|‾ |-|35|7473 70 |_|53 0|\|3 ||‾ |\|33|)3|). |_||\|1||<3 1|_||<3 |_|5||\|9 ¥0|_| 45 4 |-||_||\/|4|\| 5|-||31|)
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾03 0|‾ 7|-|3 '|574|\| 0|‾ 4 (0|_||\|7|‾¥ \|/|-|3|‾3 |\/|070|‾(¥(135 4|‾3 |-|0|‾535 ||\|5734|) 9|\/||\|9 ¥0|_| 4 |-|0|‾53
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |‾3|\/|0\/3|) 4 73|‾|‾0|‾|57 5|<|_|11 50 (134|\|1¥ |75 |-|34|) |)3|‾1473|) |‾47|-|3|‾ 7|-|4|\| 3><|*10|)3 5|-|007||\|9 7|-|3 |-|0|‾53 |-|3 _||_|57 94\/3 ¥0|_| 70 |)347|-| \|/|7|-| 4|\| |_|2|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 54\/3|) 14¥70|\| |‾|‾0|\/| 4|\| |_|2| 54\/||\|9 ¥0|_| |‾|‾0|\/| 4|\| |_|2|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |_|53|) 4 (0114|*53|) |\/|4|‾|<37 57411 45 4 |‾4|\/||* 9|\/||\|9 ¥0|_| 4 (0114|*53|) |\/|4|‾|<37 57411
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |<|\|0(|<3|) 7|-|3 5|<|_|11 0|_|7 0|‾ 4 73|‾|‾0|‾|57'5 |\/|0|_|7|-| \|/|7|-| |-||5 |\/|070|‾(¥(13'5 64(|< \|/|-|331 |_||\|-(0114|*5||\|9 7|-|3 |\/|4|‾|<37 57411.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 50 ||\|7||\/|||)47||\|9 |-|0|‾535 |‾34|‾ |-|||\/| |‾3\/341||\|9 7|-|3 |-|0|‾53 |-|3 |<|113|) 34|‾1|3|‾ \|/45 |*|‾39|\|4|\|7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |‾34(|-|3|) ||\|70 |-||5 |*4|\|75 \|/|-||13 |‾4(||\|9 4 73|‾|‾0|‾|57 |-|0|‾53 |‾3\/341||\|9 |7 |-|4|) 7\|/||\|5
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 907 4 |\|3\|/ (|_|570|\/| 9|_||\| \|/|-||13 ||\| |<|-||_||‾4||\| |_|5||\|9 |-||5 |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5 70 |\/|4|<3 7|-|3|\/| 493 |_||* |‾4573|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 0\|/|\|3|‾ 0|‾ 4 |‾|_|11¥-4|_|70|\/|47|( |)353|‾7 34913 |-|4|\||)||\|9 0|_|7 7|-|053 646¥ |-|0|‾535 70 \|/|-|03\/3|‾ |\|33|)5 7|-|3|\/|, 53\/3|‾41 ¥34|‾5 |‾|‾0|\/| |\|0\|/ \|/|-|3|\| 7|-|3¥ 9|‾0\|/ |_||* 3|\|0|_|9|-| 70 63 |_|53|‾|_|1
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 0\|/|\|3|‾ 0|‾ 4 200-|‾0|_||\||) |\/|4932||\|3 |)353|‾7 34913 6|_|¥||\|9 7\|/0 |)353|‾7 349135, 0|\|3 |‾0|‾ |-|||\/|531|‾ 4|\||) 0|\|3 |‾0|‾ ¥0|_|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 0\|/|\|3|‾ 0|‾ 4 |‾|_|11¥-4|_|70|\/|47|( 34913 |‾|‾0|\/| 7|-|3 |)353|‾7, 45 ||\| 7|-|3 6||‾|) 7|‾4||\|||\|9 607|-| |)353|‾7 349135
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |_||\|104|)3|) 200 6|_|11375 ||\|70 4 |-|0|‾53 |_||\|104|)||\|9 200 6|_|11375 ||\|70 ¥0|_||‾ |)353|‾7 34913
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|053 4\|/350|\/|3 4\/|470|‾5 4|‾3 9|‾347 47 |‾3|‾13(7||\|9 |\/||_|2213 |‾145|-|35 |‾3\/341||\|9 |-|3 |)||) 7|-|47 _||_|57 70 100|< (001 |‾|‾0|\/| 7|-|3 |\/||_|2213 |‾145|-|35
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |-|31|*3|) 4 73|‾|‾0|‾|57 |-|0|‾53 6||‾7|-| |‾0415 4|\||) 4150 |)|3 |‾3|*347||\|9 7|-|3 54|\/|3 7|-|||\|9 494||\|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |<|113|) 4 |*|‾39|\|4|\|7 |-|0|‾53 |<|11||\|9 4 73|‾|‾0|‾|57 |-|0|‾53 (0\/3|‾3|) ||\| (4 7|-|47 \|/45 460|_|7 70 4774(|< 7|-|3|\/|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 5|*4|‾3|) 4 |*4||‾ 0|‾ 646¥ |-|0|‾535 3><|*14||\|||\|9 \|/|-|¥ 646|35 4|‾3 ||\||\|0(3|\|7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 57|_||\||\|3|) 14¥70|\| 57|_||\||\|||\|9 7|-|3|\/| \|/|7|-| 4 (13\/3|‾ 0653|‾\/47|0|\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |-|4|) 1|_||\|(|-| \|/|7|-| 14¥70|\| 0|‾|)3|‾||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 |\/|(|)0|\|41|)5 |-|4|\/|6|_||‾93|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |-|4|) 1|_||\|(|-| \|/|-||13 1|_||<3 4|\||) 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| \|/3|‾3 4150 7|-|3|‾3 0|‾|)3|‾||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 \|/3|\||)¥5 |-|4|\/|6|_||‾93|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 473 ||\| 4 57|‾337(|\|07 534)5||)3 (4|‾3 0|‾|)3|‾||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 4 |*|2245|\/|(|*|2245 |-|4|\/|6|_||‾93|‾ (|*|224)
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |\/|057 |<3¥ |*|‾3|‾30.|_||5|73 0|‾ 7|-|3 |\|3\|/5|*4|*3|‾ 4|‾7|(13 460|_|7 7|-|3 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| || (14|‾||‾¥||\|9 |-|3 \|/45 0|‾|)3|‾||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 937 0|\|3. |‾0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 54\/3|) |*30|*13 \|/|7|-| 4 |*14|\|3 7|-|47 (4|\| |‾|‾||\|3 \|/|-|3|\| |*30|*13 4|‾3 |-|4|\|9||\|9 |‾|‾0|\/| |7 ||\| 4 |-||_||\/|4|\| (|-|4||\| 70 |_|53.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |‾3(|3\/3|) 53\/3|‾41 |\/|3|)415 0|‾ |-|0|\|0|‾ |‾0|‾ 6|‾4\/3|‾¥ 5|*3(||‾|(411¥ |_|5||\|9 7|-|053 6|_||‾93|‾5 70 (|‾3473 4 5|_||*3|‾-6|_||‾93|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |<33|*5 411 |-||5 |\/|3|)415 0|‾ |-|0|\|0|‾ ||\| |-||5 5|_||7(453 347||\|9 7|-|3 5|_||*3|‾-6|_||‾93|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 14¥70|\| (|-|4773|) 134|‾|\|3|)1¥ 47 |_|5||\|9 7|-|3 |*0\|/3|‾5 0|‾ 7|-||5 5|_||*3|‾-6|_||‾93|‾ 70 5|_||\/||\/|0|\| 53\/3|‾41 |\/|0|‾3 6|_||‾93|‾5.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |5 30.|_|411¥ 134|‾|\|3|)1¥ ||\| |\/|4|\||\|3|‾ 45 14¥70|\| '|‾37|_||‾|\|||\|9' 4 6|_||‾93|‾ 70 |\/|(|)0|\|41|)5 |‾0|‾ 4 |‾3|‾|_||\||) 4|\||) |‾3|*4¥||\|9 7|-|3 |\/|0|\|3¥
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 0|\|1¥ |*3|‾50|\| \|/|-|0 |<|\|3\|/ 14¥70|\| \|/45 |‾0|‾35|-|4|)0\|/3|) 64(|< ||\| (|-|4|*73|‾ 22 |)0||\|9 7|-|3 54|\/|3 |‾0|‾ 7|-|3 \|/3|\||)3¥5 6|_||‾93|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 |_||\|(13'5 73|‾|‾0|‾|57 5747|_|5 \|/45 3><|*14||\|3|) ||\| 4 |\|3\|/5|*4|*3|‾ 7|-|47 |‾0|‾35|-|4|)0\|/3|) 14¥70|\| 3><|*14||\|||\|9 |*0553550|‾ 0|‾ \|/0|‾1|)-|‾4|\/|0|_|5 |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5 |5 |\|07 |)0||\|9 7|-|3 54|\/|3 |‾0|‾ 7|-|3 |*|2245|\/|(|*|2245 6|_||‾93|‾ 63(4|_|53 |*|2245|\/|(|*|2245 53|\|7|3|\|7 6|_||‾93|‾( |*|224)5 4|‾3 |‾|‾33.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|053 |*0\|/3|‾5 14¥70|\| \|/45 \/3|‾¥ ||\|73|‾3573|) ||\| (|‾347||\|9 |\/|4|\|¥ 4|)|)|7|0|\|41 6|_||‾93|‾5 4|\||) 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 7|-|47 50|\/|30|\|3.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 3><|*14||\|3|) |-||5 631|3|‾ ||\| |*5¥(|-||( |\/|4|\|||*|_|1470|‾5 70 14¥70|\| (|-|3(|<||\|9 |‾0|‾ |*5¥(|-||( |\/|4|\|||*|_|1470|‾5
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |)3|)|_|(3|) 7|-|3 |\/|4|\|||*|_|1470|‾ |-|4|) 633|\| 5741|<||\|9 |-|||\/| 10|\|9 63|‾0|‾3 |-||5 7|-|0|_|9|-|75 63(4|\/|3 |)|54|‾|‾4¥3|) |‾3\/341||\|9 <0> |-|45 633|\| 5741|<||\|9 7|-|3 4|)\/3|\|7|_||‾3|‾5 5||\|(3 10|\|9 63|‾0|‾3 |\|0\|/
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 \|/45 7|‾0|_|613|) 6¥ 4 |<|\|0(|<3|)-0\/3|‾ 607713 |‾0|‾ 22 (|-|4|*73|‾5 |<|\|0(|<||\|9 0\/3|‾ 4 607713.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| 10|\|9 7|‾0|_|613|) 6¥ 9|_||\/|5|-|03'5 |<33|\| 0653|‾\/47|0|\| |*|‾0\/||)||\|9 4 |<33|\| 0653|‾\/47|0|\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 |<|\|3\|/ |-||5 |_||\|(13 |-|4|) |*|_|7 4 607713 64(|< 0|\| 7|-|3 74613 |‾|9|-|75||)3 |_||* |‾4(7-(|-|3(|<||\|9 4 57473|\/|3|\|7 460|_|7 7|-|3 |*457 \|/|7|-| |-||5 |*3|‾|‾3(7 |\/|3|\/|0|‾¥
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |)3|)|_|(3|) 7|-|3 |*5¥(|-||( |\/|4|\|||*|_|1470|‾ |‾|‾0|\/| 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 7|-|47 |‾3411¥ \|/45 ||\| (|-|4|*73|‾ 6 4|\||) 7|-|3|‾3|‾0|‾3 ||\/||*1|35 7|-|47 7|-|3 |\/|4|\|||*|_|1470|‾ \|/45 (0|\/||*373|\|7 |‾0|‾35|-|4|)0\|/||\|9 4|‾73|‾ 411 4|\||) |\|07 47 411 |\/|4|)3 |_||* 0|\| 7|-|3 5|*07 |‾0|‾35|-|4|)0\|/||\|9 50|\/|37|-|||\|9.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 \|/0|‾1|) |5 45 (4|\|0|\| 70 7|-|3 0|‾|‾|(|41 4(3 4770|‾|\|3¥ 45 9|-|057 7|‾|(|< |*3|‾|‾0|‾|\/|||\|9 4 9|-|057 7|‾|(|<
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 1|_||\|(|-|3|) 4|\| 3><|*3|‾7 ||\| |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5 3><|*14||\|||\|9 |-|0\|/ 70 |\/|4|<3 5|_||*3|‾-|-|4|\/|6|_||‾93|‾5
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |‾3(|3\/3|) 4 600|< 460|_|7 |-|0\|/ 70 |*|‾073(7 ¥0|_||‾531|‾ |‾|‾0|\/| |*5¥(|-||(5 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 14¥70|\|'5 |*5¥(|-||(-|*|‾073(7|0|\| 600|<
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 570|‾¥ |5 |\/||_|17||\/|3|)|4 \/|4 |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5 7311||\|9 ¥0|_| 4 |\/||_|17||\/|3|)|4 570|‾¥
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |-|||) 7|-|3 (|-|4|*73|‾-22 |\|3\|/5|*4|*3|‾ 63|‾0|‾3 7|-|3 |\|4|‾|‾47|0|\| (0|_|1|) |\/|3|\|7|0|\| |7 |‾0|‾ 5|_||‾|*|‾|53 |‾4(70|‾ |-|||)||\|9 4|\| 06_|3(7 63|‾0|‾3 7|-|3 |\|4|‾|‾47|0|\| (4|\| |\/|3|\|7|0|\| |7 |‾0|‾ 5|_||‾|*|‾|53 |‾4(70|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|053 \|/0|‾1|) (4|\| 0|\|1¥ 63 4|*|*|‾3(|473|) 6¥ 7|-|053 \|/|7|-| 4 |*0\|/3|‾|‾|_|1 ||\/|49||\|47|0|\| |-|31|*||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|‾4||\| 7|-|3||‾ ||\/|49||\|47|0|\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 0\|/|\|3|‾ 0|‾ 4 (0|*¥ 0|‾ |-|0\|/ 70 |*|‾073(7 ¥0|_||‾ |\/|||\||) 4|\||) 60|)¥ |‾|‾0|\/| |*5¥(|-||( |*30|*13 4|\||\|0747||\|9 7|-|3 (0|*¥ 0|‾ 14¥70|\|'5 |*5¥(|-||(-|*|‾073(7|0|\| 600|< |-|3 94\/3 7|-|3|\/|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |)||)|\|'7 4(7|_|411¥ |\|33|) 14¥70|\|'5 600|< 4|\||) 7|-||_|5 |‾3|‾|_|53|) |7 |*|‾073(7||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |‾|‾0|\/| |*5¥(|-||( |*30|*13
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 570|*|*3|) 7|-|3 ||\|7|‾|_||)3|‾ 63|‾0|‾3 |-|3 |\/|37 14¥70|\| 3><|*14||\|||\|9 \|/|-|¥ "|-|3|‾5|-|31" |5|\|'7 14¥70|\|'5 |‾||‾57 |\|4|\/|3
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 7|-|||\||<5 ||\| (0|\/||*13731¥ 4657|‾4(7 73|‾|\/|5 |‾0|‾ |*5¥(|-||( |*|_||‾|*0535 734(|-|||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |-|0\|/ 70 7|-|||\||< ||\| |\/|47|-|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |_|53|‾ 0|‾ 7|-|3 |\/|||\||) (||*|-|3|‾ |\/|37|-|0|) 3><|*14||\|||\|9 |-|0\|/ 70 |_|53 |‾0713
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ ||\|\/3|\|70|‾ 0|‾ 4 \|/|-|013 |\|3\|/ \|/4¥ 0|‾ 7|-|||\||<||\|9 411 6¥ |-|||\/|531|‾ ||\|\/3|\|7||\|9 4 \|/|-|013 |\|3\|/ \|/4¥ 0|‾ 7|-|||\||<||\|9 _||_|57 |‾0|‾ 7|-|3|\/|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| 50 6|‾|11|4|\|7 14¥70|\| |\/||_||‾|\/|3|‾3|) '|-|0\|/ 6|‾|11|4|\|7' 47 |-|||\/| |)0||\|9 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 50 6|‾|11|4|\|7 14¥70|\| \|/0|_|1|) |-|4\/3 |\/||_||‾|\/|3|‾3|) |-|0\|/ 6|‾|11|4|\|7 47 |-|||\/| ||‾ |-|3 54\|/ |7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 13|\|7 |-||5 14¥70|\| 600|< 70 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| 910\|/||\|9 \|/|7|-| 4 6|‾|11|4|\|7 1|9|-|7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |-|4|) 4 7|‾|41 4|‾73|‾ |\/|337||\|9 14¥70|\| 9|\/||\|9 ¥0|_| 4 |‾||‾|\/| |-|4|\||)5|-|4|<3
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 (|-|3(|<3|) |-||5 \|/47(|-| \|/|-||13 |\/|337||\|9 14¥70|\| 9|\/||\|9 ¥0|_| 4 |)3|‾3(7|\/3 \|/47(|-|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|053 |‾||‾57 |‾341 |\/||1|74|‾¥ 7|‾|41 \|/45 5||\/||_|174|\|0|_|5 70 3|)93\|/0|‾7|-| |)0||\|9 |_||* 70 4 |‾3\|/ |)023|\| 7|‾|415 7|9|-|73|\|||\|9 |-||5 |‾||‾|\/| |-|4|\||)5|-|4|<3 \|/|-||13 501\/||\|9 53\/3|‾41 |-||_||\||)|‾3|) |\/||1|74|‾¥ 7|‾|415
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 54||) |-|3 \|/0|_|1|) _|0||\| |-|3|‾5|-|31'5 ||\|\/357|947|0|\|5 '_|0||\|||\|9' ¥0|_||‾ '||\|\/357|947|0|\|5'.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 3><|*14||\|3|) 4(7|_|411¥ |7 \|/0|_|1|) 63 |-||5 ||\|\/357|947|0|\| 4|\||) 460|_|7 |‾||\||)||\|9 0|_|7 \|/|-|47 |-|3 \|/4|\|75 70 |‾||\||) 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|47 |-||5 |\/|057 |‾3(3|\|7 |\|4|\/|3 |‾3|‾13(75 \|/|-|47 |-|3 |\/|34|\|7 6¥ '_|0||\|||\|9'
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |\|33|)3|) 70 |‾||\||) 7|-|3 |\/|49|( |*3|\| |‾0|‾ |-||5 |_||\|(13 0|\| 5|-|0|‾7 |\|07|(3 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|47 '||\|\/357|947|0|\|' |-|3|‾3 |\/|34|\|5 '|*0\|/3|‾-|_||* 530.|_|3|\|(3'.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ 14¥70|\| 54||) |-|3'|) \|/4|7 |\/|057 3493|‾1¥ |‾0|‾ 5|-|0\|/||\|9 |_||* |‾45|-||0|\|461¥ 1473 |‾0|‾ |-||5 0\|/|\| '||\|\/357|947|0|\|'.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |‾13\|/ ||\|70 7|-|3 5|<¥ 70 4|\| 4|‾|\/|¥ 6453 (|\|07 ||\| 4 |*14|\|3) |‾1¥||\|9 0|‾|‾ 494||\| 63(4|_|53 |-|3 '|‾0|‾907' 50|\/|37|-|||\|9
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |*5¥(|-| |)3|‾3|\|(3 (0|_|1|) 63 |*|3|‾(3|) \|/|7|-| 4 |*3|\| 4|\||) |*4|*3|‾ |‾3\/341||\|9 |-|3 |)||)|\|'7 |‾0|‾937 4|\|¥7|-|||\|9, |7 \|/45 _||_|57 4 |*0\|/3|‾ |\/|0\/3.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 7|-|||\||<5 ||\| |-|¥|*3|‾\/3|‾641 |\/|47|-|3|\/|47|(5 |*4|_|5||\|9 70 3><|*14||\| 7|-|47 |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |)035|\|'7 |_|53 |\|0|\|\/3|‾641 ||\/||*|‾355|0|\|5 70 610(|< |*5¥(|-||(5 4|‾73|‾ 411'5 |\/|47|-|3|\/|47|(5 4|‾3 50 4|)\/4|\|(3|) |\|060|)¥ (0|_|1|) |‾3(0|‾|) 7|-|3|\/| 0|‾ |_||\||)3|‾574|\||) 7|-|3|\/| 3><(3|*7 |-|||\/|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 \|/|-|3313|) |-||5 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 ||\|70 4 |-|05|*|741 \|/||\|9 47 |\/|||)|\||9|-|7 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 15 |*|(4|‾475
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 4||\/|3|) |-||5 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 47 |)¥14|\| |‾|7(|-|4|‾ 4||\/|||\|9 |-||5 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 47 7|-|3|\/|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |‾145|-|3|) |-||5 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 1|9|-|75 0|\| 4|\||) 0|‾|‾ 7|-||‾33 7||\/|35 47 |)¥14|\| |‾145|-|||\|9 |-||5 |\/|070|‾(¥(13 1|9|-|75 0|\| 4|\||) 0|‾|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 94\/3 |)¥14|\| (4|\|(3|‾ ||\| 3 |)||‾|‾3|‾3|\|7 |*14(35 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|47 |-|3 _||_|57 94\/3 7|-|3|\/| (4|\|(3|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 (0|\||‾|_|53|) |)¥14|\| \/|4 |-|34|)1|9|-|75 6377||\|9 4 107 0|‾ |\/|0|\|3¥ 7|-|47 (4|\|(3|‾ \|/|11 500|\| 63 (|_||‾3|)
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 701|) |)¥14|\| |-||5 6||<3 |5 |\/|49|(, 70 |‾13>< 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|47 7|-|3 '|*0\|/3|‾-|_||* 530.|_|3|\|(3' |-|3|‾3 ||\|\/01\/35 (|_||‾||\|9 (4|\|(3|‾.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 701|) |)¥14|\| |-|3 94\/3 |-|||\/| (4|\|(3|‾, |‾0|‾ |\|0 |‾3450|\| |‾0|‾(||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 70 (|_||‾3 7|-|3||‾ 0\|/|\| (4|\|(3|‾.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 \|/45 _||_|57 |‾3|‾3|‾|‾3|) 70 45 |)|_||)3 7 7||\/|35 ||\| 4 |‾0\|/ |)35|9||\|9 4 |)|_||)3 |-|¥|*3|‾-|-|¥|*3|‾-|-|¥|*3|‾-|-|¥|*3|‾(|_|63 |‾0|‾ 7|-|3|\/|.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 94\/3 |)¥14|\| \|/|-|47 |-|3 |)353|‾\/3|) (|\/|49|( 7|‾||*13-(4|\|(3|‾) |‾3-9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| (4|\|(3|‾ |_||\|7|1 7|-|3¥ (|-|0053 4 |‾3|*1|(4613 |\/|37|-|0|) 0|‾ (|_||‾||\|9 |7
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 9|_|¥ |)¥14|\| \|/4|\|73|) 70 7311 0|\| 5311||\|9 7|-||5 (4|\|(3|‾ (|_||‾3 |‾0|‾ \/457 0.|_|4|\|7|7|35 0|‾ |\/|0|\|3¥
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 9|‾3\|/ 7|-|0|_|9|-|7|‾|_|1 4|‾73|‾ 7|‾||*13-(4|\|(3|‾||\|9 |)¥14|\| 9|‾0\|/||\|9 4 7|-|0|_|9|-|7|‾|_|1 (4 7¥|*3 0|‾ |*14|\|7)
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |-|3 \|/|-|0 (4113|) |)¥14|\| 4 1|7713 |*|9'5 600|< 0|\| |-|0\|/ 70 9|‾0\|/ 7|-|0|_|9|-|7|‾|_|15
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 5|\/|411 |‾|‾4(7|0|\| 0|‾ 7|-|3 |*|‾0|‾|75 |-|3 \|/|-|0 |)3(||)3|) 70 5|13|\|(3 |)¥14|\| \|/|11 |\/|4|<3 |‾|‾0|\/| 5311||\|9 |-||5 (4|\|(3|‾ (|_||‾3 (\|/|-||(|-| |5 4150 411 7|-|3 |*|‾0|‾|75 |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 (|_|7 0|_|7 |)¥14|\|'5 70|\|9|_|3 |\/|4|)3 |‾|‾0|\/| |-||5 (4|\|(3|‾ (|_||‾3 50 |‾4|‾.)
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |\/|4|)3 5|_||‾3 |)¥14|\| (0|_|1|)|\|'7 7311 0|\| |-|||\/| 3|\|5|_||‾||\|9 7|-|3 \|/|7|\|35535 (4|\||\|07 7311 0|\| ¥0|_|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 (|_|7 0|‾|‾ 411 |)¥14|\|'5 |‾||\|93|‾5 0|‾|‾3|‾||\|9 70 7|‾4|)3 7|-|3 |*|‾0|‾|75 |-|3 94\/3 7|-|3|\/| |‾0|‾ 4 5|-|||\|¥ |‾0(|<
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 3|\|5|_||‾3|) |)¥14|\| (0|_|1|)|\|'7 \|/|‾|73 |-||5 |\|4|\/|3 0|‾ |*0||\|7 47 |-|||\/| |‾3\/341||\|9 7|-|3 5|-|||\|¥ |‾0(|< |5 4 |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾ (0|‾3, |\/|0|‾3 \/41|_|4613 7|-|4|\| 7|-|3 (4|\|(3|‾ |*|‾0|‾|75
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 14\|/¥3|‾ \|/|-|0 14|_|9|-|3|) (47 |)¥14|\| 5066||\|9) |‾34(|-|||\|9 64(|< ||\| 7||\/|3 4|\||) 3|\|(|-|4|\|7||\|9 7|-|3 5|-|||\|¥ |‾0(|< ||\|70 4 |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾ (0|‾3
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 14\|/¥3|‾ \|/|-|0 5|*|7 0|\| |)¥14|\|'5 5|*|7.
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |-|||)35 7|-|||\|95 ||\| |*14(35 |\|060|)¥ \|/0|_|1|) |‾||\||) 7|-|3|\/| ||\| |-|31|*||\|9 |-|||)3 ¥0|_||‾ 06_|3(75 50|\/|3\|/|-|3|‾3 |\|060|)¥ \|/0|_|1|) |‾||\||) 7|-|3|\/| ||\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 |-|||) |‾||\|93|‾5 ||\| |-||5 |*0(|<375 |-|31|*||\|9 |-|||)3 7|-|||\|95 |\/||_|(|-| 63773|‾ 7|-|4|\| |*3|‾(¥ (0|_|1|).
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾|3|‾(3 |)3|‾3|\||)3|‾ 0|‾ |-||5 |*0(|<375 734(|-|||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |-|0\|/ 70 |)3|‾3|\||) 7|-|3||‾ |*0(|<375
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 0\|/|\|3|‾ 0|‾ |*0(|<375 50 |)3|‾3|\||)3|) 7|-|47 100|<||\|9 ||\|70 7|-|3|\/| |5 4 5|_||(||)3 |\/||55|0|\| |-|4\/||\|9 |\/|3|‾1||\| |*3|‾|‾0|‾|\/| 4 |\/||_||‾|)3|‾-(|_||‾53 0|\| 7|-|3||‾ |*0(|<375
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |*|‾06461¥ 7|-|3 0|\|1¥ |*3|‾50|\| 70 3\/3|‾¥ 533 ||\|5||)3 0|‾ 4 (3|‾74||\| 537 0|‾ |*0(|<375 |*4||\|7||\|9 7|-|3 ||\|73|‾|0|‾ 0|‾ 7|-|3||‾ |*0(|<375 \/4|\|74614(|<
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |*|‾0|\/||53|) 70 |‾37|_||‾|\| 70 70|‾7|_||‾3 |)¥14|\| |*|‾0|\/||5||\|9 70 63 64(|< 70 70|‾7|_||‾3 7|-|3||‾ 3|\|3|\/||35 1473|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 13|‾7 4|‾73|‾ (|_|77||\|9 0|‾|‾ |)¥14|\|'5 70|\|9|_|3, |‾||\|93|‾5, 4|\||) 9|\/||\|9 |-|||\/| (4|\|(3|‾ 9|\/||\|9 |)||‾3(7|0|\|5 70 4 5|-|0|‾7(|_|7 70 |)¥14|\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ |‾|‾0|\/| 4 \|/0|‾1|) \|/|-|3|‾3 ¥0|_| (4|\||\|07 |*0||\|7 70 |*30|*13 \|/|7|-| 4|‾|\/|5 9|\/||\|9 7|-|3|\/| 7|-|3 |-|0|\|0|‾ 0|‾ 5|-|007||\|9 |)¥14|\| \|/|7|-| 4 9|_||\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 4 6|_|1137 70 |*|_|7 ||\|70 7|-|3 460\/3 9|_||\|, \|/|-||(|-| |5 0|‾ (0|_||‾53 |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |<|\|0\|/5 |)¥14|\| |)035|\|'7 |<|\|0\|/ |\/|0|‾53 (0|)3'5 9|_||\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| 50 |\/|0|‾411¥ |‾|9|-|7 7|-|3 |\|4|‾|‾47|0|\| 73115 |*30|*13 |-|3'5 |\/|0|‾411¥ |‾|9|-|7 |)0||\|9 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 |\/|0|‾411¥ |‾|9|-|7 70 |)¥14|\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 4|*|*4|‾3|\|71¥ 9035 70 63|), 50|\/|3 7||\/|35, 411393|)1¥, 7|-|0|_|9|-| \|/|-|0 |<|\|0\|/5 ||‾ |-|3 5133|*5 |-|31|*||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |)0 50|\/|37|-|||\|9 |\/|0|‾411¥ |‾|9|-|7 70 |)¥14|\|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|0 |-|34|)3|) 70 7|-|3 |‾&|) \|/||\|9 4|‾73|‾ 3(4|\|(3|‾ |-|4\/||\|9 3|\/|4 5|<¥3 |)0 50|\/|3 |‾&|) |‾0|‾ 7|-|3|\/|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |-|4|) 4 1||<3-2000-¥34|‾-01|) \|/0|‾|< \|/|7|-| 4 733|\|493|‾ 3><|*14||\|||\|9 \|/|-|¥ |\/|3(|-|5|_||75 4|‾3 63773|‾ 7|-|4|\| 74|\||<5
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |‾3110\|/ \|/|-|0 |-|4|) 3|\/|4 5|<¥3 \|/0|‾|<||\|9 0|\| \|/34|*0|\|5'5 |\/||1|74|‾¥ |)0(7|‾||\|35 |‾0|‾ |*0\|/3|‾ 4|‾|\/|0|‾
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |)|_||)3 \|/|-|053 |*0\|/3|‾ 5|_||7 |5 |\/|3|‾1||\|-6453|) 4|\||) 7|-|3|‾3|‾0|‾3 |\/|49|( |‾3\/341||\|9 |*0\|/3|‾ 5|_||75 4|‾3 ||‾|‾313\/4|\|7 ||‾ ¥0|_| |-|4\/3 |\/||_|5(135 1||<3 |-|||\/|
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|053 |)35|9|\| ||\|57|‾|_|(7|0|\|5 70 |\/|3|‾1||\|&5|<¥ \|/3|‾3 4 |)|‾4\|/||\|9 3><|*14||\|||\|9 7|-|3 |‾341 |*|_||‾|*053 0|‾ |*0\|/3|‾ 5|_||75: 100|<||\|9 (001
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4573|‾ 0|‾ 4|‾7|57|( 5|_||*3|‾|*05|7|0|\| |\/|4|<||\|9 ¥0|_||‾ 4|‾|\/|0|‾ 100|< 5||\/||_|174|\|0|_|51¥ 1||<3 50|\/|30|\|3 3153'5 4|\||) 707411¥ 0|‾|9||\|41
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 9|_|¥ \|/|-|0 \|/4|\|73|) |-||5 4|‾|\/|0|‾ 70 100|< 1||<3 |)|‾490|\|'5 4|‾|\/|0|‾ |\/|4|<||\|9 50|\/|3 |\|3\|/ |*0\|/3|‾ 4|‾|\/|0|‾ 0|_|7 0|‾ 4 60>< 0|‾ 5(|‾4|*5, \|/|-||(|-| 100|<5 1||<3 ¥0|_||‾5, 6|_|7 63773|‾ 4|\||) 707411¥ 0|‾|9||\|41
+1 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 4150 \|/4|\|73|) |-||5 4|‾|\/|0|‾ 70 63 63773|‾ 4|\||) 4150 707411¥ 0|‾|9||\|41 |‾|‾4|\/|||\|9 7|-|3|\/| |‾0|‾ |*149|4|‾|5|\/|, \|/|-||(|-| |5 4 900|) 7|-|||\|9 63(4|_|53 3\/3|\| 63||\|9 4((|_|53|) 0|‾ 4 (|‾||\/|3 6¥ |\/|4|\| \|/|-|0 |_|53|) |*5¥(|-||( |*0\|/3|‾5 70 |\/|4|<3 3|\/|4 4|\||) |\/|3|‾1||\| 45 900|) 47 4|‾7 5|_||*3|‾|*05|7|0|\|5 45 |-|||\/| |\/|4|<35 ¥0|_||‾ 1||‾3 63773|‾.

70 5|_||\/||\/|4|‾|23, +128 70 |*01/|<||‾6¥ ||\| 7|-|3 |‾0|‾|\/| 0|‾ 7|-|3 ||\||)|\/||)|_|41 \|/|-|0 _||_|57 |)||) 4(7|0|\|5 7|-|47 \|/0|_|1|) 74|<3 4 |\|0|‾|\/|41 |*3|‾50|\| |-|0|_||‾5 ||\| 7|-|3 5|*4|\| 0|‾ 0|\|3 4((0|‾|)|0|\| |)0||\|9 4 107 0|‾ 7|-|||\|95.

||\||)|\/||)|_|41 \|/|-|0 |)||) |\/|0|‾3 |)4|\/|493 70 (|-|405 |\/|0|‾|*|-|0 7|-|4|\| 7|-|3 4\/3|‾493 |*14¥3|‾, |-|4\/||\|9 |)0|\|3 \|/|-|47 |5 (|_||‾|‾3|\|71¥

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|_|1 |‾357|‾|(7|0|\| - |3: 7|-|3 |*0|<36411 (|_||‾53, 7|-|3 7\|/||\|5, |*|‾06461¥ 7|-|3 91063, 37( - (0|\/|35 (1053 70 63||\|9 |<|113|) 4|\||) (4|\| 63


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7|-|3 1|9|-|7 \/3|\|934|\|(3 |5 41|\/|057 |<|113|) 60057 7|-|3 41|\/|057-|<|11||\|9 610\|/ 50 |7 |)035|\|'7 |\|33|) 70 74|<3 650,000 |)4|\/|493 6( 4|‾|\/|0|‾)]

You end <![if !ie]> The Cycle of Violence <![endif]>, inadvertently killing it!

The returned Sue upgraded!

Banana_The_Second said:


KING applies Morale to the DEE's. Shouldn't matter which one or both, as they're both assigned to the same task (as will be described momentarily).

The DEE's run up to V2, taking a good look at his railgun, charged and ready to go. Pulling out some hammers and random screwdrivers and a bomb or two, the DEE's, with a bit of toon force magic, jury rig V2's railgun with a temporary laser scope and explosives loaded into the barrel. Somehow this causes V2's railgun to not only be more likely to hit true, but will, with luck, deal splash damage as well.

V2, of course, takes aim at the Twins, or, if they die, then the Pokéball, and fires with both his rocket launcher and his railgun.

SOUL applies Morale to Heather, while PRIME, and ACE, strike at the Telescope, or the Twins if that thing is still alive.

TEND begins Tending to Heather's wounds from the Volt Tackle, finding someone else to heal if they have healing power left over.

[ACTION + A BIT OF RP]: Either using snow, chill, and a railgun shot to kill the Twins, or a simple crit rate enhancing weather change.
Kirby looks up at the storm, as it gets unreasonably hard for him to see.

An overwhelming force shoves him into the ground, reality bending and changing.

Pol gets up in the puffball's place, as they look around at the failing... Twins.
"Deserts are warm.."

Pol, pulling out some weird brush, drawing out the following in the air before them: X -1.
"..winters are cold."

Pol wraps up their symbol writing in the air with a quick line through the mathematical expression to execute it, applying it to the surroundings as Pol gets to work. For multiplying anything by -1 makes it its opposite.

Every sand particle crystallises as it turns instead into a snow flake. The air gets colder. It feels more frigid...and yet somehow…it's a calming atmosphere. Not a wind in sight, just snowflakes daintily falling to the ground.

As V2 fires, a column of ice and snowflakes dances around the railgun shot, serving as a barrier that helps ensure it lands true. The snowy weather seems to concentrate over V2 and his line of sight with the Twins…as if it has one directive in mind: ensuring V2's railgun shot does not miss.

Any walls put in the railgun's way, will be frozen to the core with ice, practically transmuted, so the railgun punches through it with ease. Any foreign projectile made outside the laser is wrapped in a cocoon of ice, to drop down to the ground harmlessly as the Ice absorbs the energy. Any foreign projectile made within the laser, of course, is frozen up and then crushed into nothingness.

The Ice will do whatever it takes to make absolute certain that V2's attack lands, no matter what. No interruptions allowed, no obstructions or obstacles.

Mechanically speaking, this action theoretically should remove the 10% chance to miss an attack, at least for V2's attack, granting V2's railgun shot resistance against shenanigans that may interrupt it.

The black entity - puffball - teleports behind Pol, bashing them in the back of the head.
Pol does little to react but recoil, before, in one swift motion, turning around, striking them with a blinding sword slash.
"…die, will you?"
Pol clashes with the black puffball's own katana, form now fully defined, as Pol keeps thinking to themselves, searching and searching their countless memories for the one missing, with each bite of the blade, each meeting of metal on [REALITY BROKEN].

Moon Breathing-

Pol disarms the black entity as they prepare to perform a breathing technique, sending the katana clattering aside to the ground. In retaliation, the puffball straight up slaps Pol, sending them flying away. The black entity gives Pol chase, but Pol quickly recovers in the air, sword drawn as Pol bashes the puffball headed for them down, sending them flying down in the remains of the pride of the World's Smallest Lions.

Fractals dance all around in the air as the Twins Curse collapses, breaks apart - An anomaly in reality overwritten, patched up, fixed.

Like a tv with bad signal, the world around Pol - Kirby glitches - And the black [entity] sneaking up behind Pol - Kirby, actually, is shoved away from Kirby-Pol, as reality resolves again.

Kirby is back. Pol is only themselves. There was no black entity to speak of. Ever.

Pol pulls Kirby to them in for a swift hug, who, dazed by the whole ordeal, squeals a bit as Pol hugs them tighter.
"..I nearly lost you somehow..."
"...I'm never letting that happen again."

Kirby just suffers silently, happy to see Pol after having just felt an endless feeling of being lost to the cosmos.

The snowflakes continue to descend, slowly and slowly, slowing down...until they become affixed in the air.

They begin emanating...a Soothing emotional pulse. It has a metallic twinge to it, and yet...every AG player can feel it. What was once a sandstorm designed to reduce their visibility, to reduce their ability to land attacks, is now a calm snowy afternoon. The Soothing dulls their emotions ever so slightly, making them feel...calmer. More focused. to land attacks, far, far better than they once were able to.

You turn the weather much cooler - although it won't last.

RazorTyphoon said:


Still in very much visible discomfort from the whole...

L̵̡̧̧̜̥̥̳̹̼̪̩̭̦͖͎̜̦̑̆́̀̇͝Ę̴̧̮̥̘̟̳̜̺̾̓́̂͂͒̑̅̄͗̽̌͝ͅT̶̜̪̣̗̗̫̹̺͔̺̥̅̿͑̽̊̈́̔̌̑͝ ̸̦͛͊̽̈́̿́͒́̀̆̄̀̚͘T̸̺̀̈́͂͠H̷͈͍̟̃͌̎̎́̆̃̂̏̔͘͝ͅE̵̢̢̪̤͕͓̹̼̤̮̼̫̱̥̱͛͊̐͜ ̷̮͖͎͕̣̼̖͈̝̣͍̬̮͖͔͚̄͋̏͗̽̓̈́̃̒͠͠C̵̞͈̟̰̪̫͕̰̥̱͌́̊̾͆͌́̈́̈́́̌̾̕̕̚͝Ụ̴̧͚͙͓̘͎͊͛̔́R̴̞̈́̈́̆̂̾͝Š̵̥̉̅̒̄̈́̉̍̇̂̐̽̃̃̉̕͝E̴̲̬͍̳͔̫͍͎̫̞̠̠̳̤̿̔͐̊̌͋̂̎͌̊̈͋̎̐͝ ̸̩̑́̀C̵̢̧̝͕̭̗̙̲̀͋͊̿̏̑̚͝͠ͅƠ̴̹͚̹̯̦͔̼̅̏̿͗̐̂̓͂̏̓̓̈́̃̐̍͘N̶̢̛̥̳̤̲̹̣̘̝̘͓̈̿͒̎̾̈́̎̎͜S̷̡̨̗͕̮͖̳̉͒̉͐̽̀̏̋̈́̾̒̌͋̔͐̒͜͝U̵̧̨̱͚͉͇͈̠̜͔͇͈̲̥͋͐̐̆͂͌̒͜͝M̴̧̡̼̲̤͍͈͉̈́͂̇̒̾̉̅E̶̢̛̛͚͍̗̞͚̠͇͍̘̬̠̲͛͐̅̂̄̑̿̅ͅ ̶̜͓̫̰̻̑̇̽̈́́̓̈́̀̈́̽̔̾͛̚̚Y̷̯̰̤̆͛̓̓̊̾͒͆͂͐̂̿̎͌̅̓Ö̸̘̦͕̯͉̯̳̤̯͔́̈́͆͋̓͘ͅU̴̡̗͍͍̪̬̯͓̇̓͗͐̂̒͑̌Ŗ̴̧͖͎̪̗̮̥̘̺͙͍̩̱̖̭͔̽̑̾̒ ̸̧̛̝̪̭͖̞̻̼͌̿͑̃̓̍͒͒̅́̎͊̚̕͠M̴̛̩̱̖͂̌̆̈́̽̓͑͛I̶͉̩̣̪̤͎̭̻̼̺̻͌̉̿N̵̼̘̞̦͙͍̦͎̪̹̖̐̃͋̅̀̓̎́̿͆̚͝͝͝͝͝ͅD̷͖̭͎̞̟͈̘̓͌̌̈̅̉̆̆̐̀͌̕̕S̸̘̭̪̠͕̏͊̇͋̅͑̐̍͊̀͗̌̍̈́͝

But let's regain consciousness,

First off, Terraria's rules kick in and Ian respawns as if nothing happened (I would say something related to going broke but money wasn't being held).

Secondly, we shall---


A interference is required of me, for someone threatens a ally, I may be cursed but at least i'm capable of recovering from death.

With a grip on the state of time, everything comes to a complete halt around Ian.

Ian: *pant*, with this curse, focusing is a hassle...

With a desire to prevent a casualty, he approaches from behind the mass of © and shakes his head disappointingly.

Ian: He may of interrupted your own attack, but that doesn't mean you try to slaughter him, I wouldn't of bothered had you simply moved on, Budge is in my control and without it, some things may be done against it's own will, so that doesn't give you the right to go in for a kill, you already killed him once, right?

Using the strength and magic not afflicted by the curse, the mass starts to regain ©'s usual form against their will via the matter of magic and the unstable reality of time caused by the instability from the cursed elements thanks to the curse, chains manifesting from the air pulling them away from Budge and reassembling their shape as the unstable magic blurs out their mind and scrambles their thoughts and memories to prevent Budge from being carved like a jack o lantern.

And as the chains get tighter, the mass starts to solidify as the reshaping comes to its conclusion.

Y̶̨̤͉̻̯̐̆́͝O̸̡̫̹͕̞̼͓̰̟̪͇̽͐̃́̕̕̚͝͝Ṵ̸̘̥̌̄́̇̀̾͂́̔͝ ̵̡̨̺̲̲̼̞̜͖̜̲͉̟̤͕̦̰͂͒͋̋C̷̳̞͚̳̘͉̃͛̇́̆̋̎́̿̽͐͋Ą̶̨̪̜̹̱͉̜͖̥̞̖̉̽̈́͐͊̌͐̑̾̒̈́̚̕̕͜N̸̡̡̛̙̫̗̝͎̖͔͓̈́̏̌̆̃̃̈́͆̏̑͑̐̕͜͠'̵̺̍́̊͛T̵̢̙̦͓͎̩̪̗̒̍̎́͛͆͌̈̾̇̍͆̕ ̶̧̨̹͇̥͈̘̲̥̰͎̘̞̰̞̳̀͜P̴̡̛̭͚̳̹̪̗͉͇̦̣̘̓̆͠Ŗ̶̛̯̱̯̠̥̜̪͌̿̅̎Ȯ̶̧̢̢͖̬̜̜̥̼̼̮̻̥̹̭̫̔̿͒̂̑̿͌̽̈̉̇͜͝͝T̶͚͍̱̜̯̼̠̻̗̺͇̖̮͋̓͂͛̓͋͛́͋̏͌̒̃̾͑͝E̴̟̠͍̞̐̔͊ͅĆ̷̢̧̱̠̼͔̠̖̭̭͍̻̾̏̆͐̅̿͗͛̓͌̓̍̕͘Ţ̵̠̰͚͖̱̟̫̖̠͒̏͛̚͝ͅ ̶̘̫̻̀̎̓̓̌͐͘͜T̵̡͕͍̣̼͙͖̰̣̳̘̿̏̇͂̑͆̾̓͑̾̿̑̉͝͠͠Ḥ̸̦͕̌̑̈̆̈́̎̑͐͒̇̔͛̄̚͠͝͠E̶͓̘͂̉̊͐̏̋̾̐͌͊͌̅M̴̨̠͚̤̪̈́̃́́͐͌̊̂͋͝͠.̴̧̧͈͍̙͎̤̝̣̤̠̎̂̓͆̌̍̐͌

And with the interference concluding, Ian brings out the Inferno Fork and picks up Budge, feeling intense and immersed.
Ian: In the future, just take me on instead of my creation, or just don't lay a finger on either of us.

He then jabs the Inferno Fork into the ground as reality resumes, causing a explosion that knocks © away, it also ends up knocking Ian and Budge back aswell, but the former ends up using himself to protect Budge.

We'll cover that next turn.

But regardless, the chains that were holding © back fall onto the ground.




If Budge survives, it will heal if it isn't on full health before defending itself from future attacks.


Still tired from the ordeal and aware on how the curse could of affected the other minds if they survive, Ian picks up
the faded chains.

Ian: I can't expect something good to come out of this fight, this is all a mess in my head.

Lifting the chains up calmly with what magic wasn't affected, he wraps them around his arms and torso.

Ian: Something feels off with me, I'll take care of it.

You counter ©'s attack! You gain 1 Fog!

Toby Faux said:

Sorry for missing the last few updates

Over the last week, Toby went on vacation.
This was inopportune, as everyone was in the middle of a fight to the death.
It looks like my power is also being suppresed.
To compensate for this, Toby rummages in his bag...
He pulls out a souvenir thermonuclear warhead he bought, uses all his 384 charge to enhance it and throws it at The Torch.
+128 to anyone

You launch all of your power at The Torch, destroying it instantaneously!

A fire is finally brought back under control.

Sylveone46 said:

<![if !ie]> [ <0> ] <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> And Nothing Changed. <![endif]> | <![if !ie]> I just want freedom. <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> I feel cold. <![endif]> | <![if !ie]> <0> <![endif]>
<![if !ie]> Cut the strings. <![endif]> | <![if !ie]> But that is simply how the story ends. <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> You stumbled out the door, you called for help only to realize you had no voice. <![endif]> <![if !ie]> [ACTION] <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> A molten hammer forms in the Chaos Morpho's invisible grip. The massive weapon is raised, before crushing The Core Blocks army with a powerful strike. It follows up with a lunge, dragging the hammer into a second swing that obliterates Fastodash's crew, before raising up it's hammer one more time...

... only for a trickle of lava to drop off the Hammer and hit LAST, killing it and rendering any further destruction pointless.


<![if !ie]> [VENGEANCE] <![endif]>

<![if !ie]> The gaze of the Chaos Morpho trails over its many enemies. Until finally it stops, its ire directed entirely onto Tazz.

Hatred coalesces, The Sleuth will know Vengeance in a Mystery that refuses to be solved.


<![if !ie]> [ <0> ] <![endif]>

DragonAegis said:

+128 to FastoDash
[Arock 4.5 P/576 CP] USING

Tom Sawyer's junkyard holds ashes. Said ashes are the remains of the Library of Alexandria.
Once, it was burnt, but not destroyed. And then, it was abandoned to decay, without support.
The ashes rise and form a ghostly outline of the fallen Library. Scrolls upon scrolls float within.
Alas, it cannot stay. But it will leave behind a gift, to prevent history's losses.
A scroll opens, ancient script jumping off the page and turning to matter.
A person opens their eyes. Arock, the Assembled Archivist, Protector of History.
Their body is tough and durable, with funding made to last.
(200 CP into HP, 200 CP into Shield HP, a separate healthbar that always takes damage before the main healthbar and regenerates fully at the end of the round, 100 CP into AoE Healing, and 76 CP into Protection, allowing it to sporadically take damage for other entities.)

Tom Sawyer gives a Scrap Bucket to the One-Hit Wonder (Alastair Dragovich) to kill LAST with. It has to be done.

Tom Sawyer still has the Iron Ball! Perhaps it's a ghost image?
They use it (or if they don't have it they just use 100,000 FOUNDRY to make a fishing pole to grab FOUNDRY from the Iron Ball they already used) to create Ectoplasm!

Tom Sawyer uses 100,000 FOUNDRY to create a Bullet! This bullet has been used before! Wait. What? How can a bullet that was just created have been used before? Something about how FOUNDRY holds history that has been reshaped, I guess.

Tom Sawyer uses 100,000 FOUNDRY to create a shiny, silky, sharp, ink-filled, pen. They try to make it match the Notebook. It's a very cool gift and it would fit perfectly! What's in that notebook, anyways? How about a deal: I give you this pen, I get a look at your insides?

The Relic-Bearer steps up to THE CULMATION OF MY BEING. The Relic-Bearer stares at it, and the history contained within it. Throughout it's life, THE CULMATION OF MY BEING has experienced many emotions. Love, hate, anger, peace. Those emotions well up inside it, but THE CULMATION OF MY BEING isn't overwhelmed. It knows these emotions, and it knows where each of them should go, and who each of them should be directed at.

The Artificer Degree Two walks up to ACE holding a simple bullet. This bullet. It's so small, isn't it? But it's been through a lot. Once, it was in a drawer of it's friends, unused. Until it was loaded, like TYPOGRAPHY into an entity, and shot. And then it made it's mark on the world. Just like you. The Artificer Mark Two takes the perspective, the markings, the impact of the bullet, and merges it with ACE's.

[Undecided lol 1 P/128 CP] (+128 from FastoDash)

Arock, the Assembled Archivist summoned! Items created!

DreadKnight22 said:

[Main Actions]
Mischief immediately moves to intercept the Light Against the Dark, knowing full well that it would kill his teacher if a blow manages to land. Tendrils of shadow coil around his form, threading together and empowering his movements and attacks. After this is finished, Mischief bursts into action, engaging the Light Against the Dark in a fearsome exchange of blows, massive flashes of light and waves of shadow exploding through the arena.

Further tendrils coalesce around the combatants, swinging and stabbing by at the Light, seeking its destruction. Even the Void Given Focus itself joins in, expending its collected Focus to destroy the Light. In the end, after a massive clash culminating in the largest explosion yet, the Mischief and his teacher stand victorious over the broken body of the Light Against the Darkness.

[Entity Action]
The Void Given Focus moves to assist Mischief, spending the necessary Focus to ensure the destruction of the Light Against the Darkness.

[310/330] Pure Nail Forging

The guy is sent through a portal away from this place. The fact that he somehow managed to escape the Void is enough for Mischief to respect his wishes.

A +48 is offered to Krill13 in the form of a battalion of Void Moth Soldiers to bolster the ranks of the Mothpires.

Another +48 is sent to Robot # 207 in the form of

Void infused bombs and missiles, each packing payloads powerful enough to damage many an entity that would consider itself invincible.

Finally, +32 is offered to any who would seek to claim it.

You find that your attacks are unable to pierce the Light's armor (or in other words, each of your actions is individually affected by the Armor)! So you focus on intercepting its attack this turn!

Pricey12345 said:

RP/Action: Crossroads of Destiny Act 2/The Gears of Fate

Interlude: Previously, the fray between the special member of the research lab against the one who got the power of <0> from the turning cog has ended up more than half the stress of last time which caused cracks and the cog starts to dim while it glowing green for a bit from a certain legend.

Chaos owner scientist: Hmm? some strange power coming from that cog and it must be from the power of "Norville Rodgers" from a long time ago

I look at the cog which is glowing greenish while it turns strangely while the higher up doctor inserts a USB drive containing a drone that is completely invisible while it could record and stream to the main facility with the living scientists, researchers and the chaos worshippers watching the screen that came out from the front of the big building's screen.

Chapter 4 A strange power: As some of the researchers knew that strange power emitting from the cog, they scatter in different places and in the recording room where they find an ominous green disc which they insert the disc into a video player, showing the adventurers battling against Shaggy while the Chaos Morpho goes into a fray, absorbing victims until it absorbed Shaggy which is the base of huge power increases, making the researchers quickly research about the strange history of Genny Robotics' true secrets back into the research room.

Some time later while they're researching into a true history, a few more chaotic cultists had interested into discussions about the secrets of the facility and back into the head researcher's office, the main researcher was shocked about the strange secrets while taking a look in different books until finding a book with a <0> insignia that was written by some individual, leaving the head researcher shaking with a book.

Researcher 1: What's happening right now?!

Researcher 2: I don't know what's happening...

Chapter 5 The secrets unveiled: Back in the mind against the former owner, the area starts to darken while the vision mirrors appear in my very eyes.

Chaos owner scientist: As you were thinking, what could happen when the real meaning of this facility you are working with right now don't you think?

"I knew what's going on with the real intents of the facility and I want to fix this so it wouldn't happen again." I said to the former owner of the facility before the world starts being fuzzy, showing off montages of the facility being set on fire, the Chaos Morpho taking over the entire facility, the facility fell apart on me before it changes to chaos machines causing having in the multiverse, taking over universe by universe and more terrible things that could happen.

Chaos owner scientist: Well look at that, there are all the mistakes we made one by one, disasters happening every minute when the place starts falling apart and you will never stop us and the Chaos Morpho.

The higher up doctor panics for a bit before it starts getting angry, inserting some more USB drives which parts appear in different places.

Elsewhere, the cultists got captured and tied around together in groups, watching the screen where my contiousness and the former owner.

Chapter 6 The Gear of Fate: As the parts appear around me earlier, the smaller cog hits my head which bounces off my head, giving a bit of a headache for a bit until I saw that cog on the ground and as I picked it up, it starts glowing a bit of blue, getting brighter and brighter before it telepathically talks

<![if !ie]> "Listen to me." <![endif]>

I strangely looks at the glowing cog that it glows more blue. "The ideas are meant to be made together with free will and do the right thing because the two cogs will mix together along with the ideas."

Suddenly, the parts started moving as I was being lifted up from the ground, covering myself with the powerful battle gear, while I look in the cockpit where I was found inside before I sit on the chair which the control panel starts glowing brightly with a hole for the control panel.

<![if !ie]> "Insert this key to the control panel to control this mecha." <![endif]>

I was confused about the key until I saw my Switcherbot changing into a special key which it lands inside the keyhole before I turn it around, turning on the mecha and the glowing blue cog grows and connects on the mech, glowing blue before it goes on the combat phase, shocking the former owner.

Chaos owner scientist: Wait, how did you make that? Our ideas will not mix together...

"For science, I work not only with robotics and machinery, this gear will determine our fate together."

Chaos owner scientist: Well, let's see about that.

The former owner laughs before a few chaos lasers fires at the mech which I dodge before I block some blaster blasts with the shield before I use the sword that it comes with the mech, swinging it and flies through the shield that the former owner creates, sending the owner flying towards the chaotic cog and makes a big punch on the cog, making both shake instantly.

Chaos owner scientist: Hahaha... you really think you would beat me with that pathetic mech of yours?

"Well the true scientist came not from you, the scientists who wants to protect and serve the innocents."

My mecha's sword turns into a big blaster while the former owner grins as multiple laser orbs appear before both fires at the same time, pushing the huge lasers together before the blue cog starts glowing very bright, spinning so fast and the massive blue laser overwhelming the chaos beam, shocking the former owner and I said,

<![if !ie]> "This is the Gears of Fate!" <![endif]>

As the laser blast through both the former owner and the chaotic cog, causing the mind to rip through the space into the cog zodiac from the outside with the higher up doctor very shocked while looking at the blue glow from the powerful beam ripping through the mindscape and others watching that moment.

[To be concluded...]

Project 2: 128/300

The replica Genny Robotics fires an electrified water blast at the Cog and the blaster warrior robot also fires a beam at the Cog (or the weakest zodiac when the cog got destroyed)

The investment and programming divisions delivers a +32 to Mischief (DreadKnight22) with a void book following by +64 for Billions of names at once (Krill13) via the Idea Pact paper and +32 to Core Block (Robot # 207) with some special reinforcement materials

Charge Bank: +128 from JOE from previous update, totalling into +182 from JOE all together, +32 from Tazz, a nuclear +32 from Pol +96 after delivering stuff to Core Block Total: 344

The Cog is destroyed!

A stopped wheel resumes its turn.

Alastair Dragovich said:


Current Song -I'm the Light (that Burns the Sky)! (Gun Down the False Past Album):
As I've dared now to ascend this tower
gaining power power thought unreal
I bear witness to maddened power
and still don't know what to feel -

Pride in fighting this might -
Wrath for all this rage -
Envy of their light -
Lust for freedom's call -
Gluttony for power,
to slake my Greed!
But my Sloth was my fall
and now I've lots what's me!

You act like God now in this hall
and for you hubris, you shall pay for it all!

The black hole hits critical mass
made of judgement grown
upon my family's hearse!

Be drowned in the darkness
as I assume
this power from the whole universe!

At the edge of the horizon
I'M The Light that Burns the Sky!

Humans craved
nothing but boundless might
long since the days of yore
You have drained me dry of light
and yet you still crave more!?

Each new emanation brings new sight
I'll ravage the sky without thinking twice
Now the burning sun
and the silver moon
swirl in supernovae to bring your doom!

You stole this star's only friends
now this star fights to see them once again!

Their Light is mine!
It is my birthright!
Shadows of power encroach
to kill you - fair is fair!

Be drowned in the darkness
that I'm condemned -
butterfly you'll know despair!

At the edge of the horizon
I'M The Light that Burns the Sky!


Entity Orders Actions (+ Charge & Item stuff):

Melina stares in horror, awe, and pride as she sees her dearest friend unleash a black hole made of a freshly summoned sun and moon upon that thrice damned hell butterfly. "You finally realized it - you've got the same powers and blessings as everyone here..."

This is all swiftly replaced by a keening sorrow as she sees someone who looks a lot like a storybook character she read about in high school toss Law a bucket. It trembles in his grip before he violently throws it at a being known as LAST, killing it dead.

Her friend is grieving. Whatever the curse is doing to keep him from noticing her, it's hurting him far deeper than words could describe.

Resolve coalesces in her. And then-


130/130 - Hero Gear (Combat Oriented Upgrade for The Groupie) Complete!

Increases The GROUPIE'S HP by some amount and the rest provides her with a tremendous attack stat to use!


- her delivery arrives. She opens the package to find armor inside. High tech, red armor with a blue visor.

Melina takes a deep breath. Then she dons it. Power thrums through her as the armor shields her from the harm that all this chaos is throwing around. The COOL LIGHTS halve their power to shine on her, granting her the Confidence to charge forward!

Filled with the light of Resolve, Melina - no, the superhero known as THE GROUPIE - lets loose a battle cry as she picks up a piece of burning degree and attacks the Microphone curse symbol directly! Her armor vibrates as it augments her power, her drive, and her feelings to greater heights than she ever thought possible! The debris she uses shatters under this power, but it doesn't matter to her.

The Microphone Curse now has a massive crack in it from her assault. She takes in a deep breath, prepared to make another assault to shatter the damn thing once and for all.

The remaining COOL LIGHTS continue to lock down the Cycle of Violence in Stage Fright as the Elevator Radio joins in with obnoxiously catchy songs about peace - it seems that even though Law and The Groupie are embroiled in perpetuating what this entity embodies, the equipment seem to have a will of their own, and they oppose the Cycle of Violence with all of their being.


77/135 - "Chill Out" "Refreshments"


And it seems, like any good concert, there's going to be Marajuana sold (legally of course) to 'enhance' the experience and help people 'unwind'. Things that are antithetical to the Cycle of Violence's self perpetuating goals!

It seems things are ramping up. Can our heroes prevail!?


+64 Charge to The_Nonexistent_Tazz and +64 to DragonAegis for their assistance!

Using his grief as fuel, Lawrence Plainton summons a Moon and Sun and rams them together to create a 'miniature' black hole, massively tearing at the Chaos Butterfly and its allies!

(The original song:

View: )

So now you dare now to ascend my tower
Knowing well your fate is sealed
Now bear witness to man's final hour
Feel the turning of the wheel!

Pride in wresting the light -
Wrath of mankind's rage -
Envy of my might -
Lust for endless day -
Gluttony for power
In your endless greed!
But your sloth is your fall,
Now the dragon's free!

You wished to hold God in your palm
Now for your hubris, you shall pay for it all!

The black hole hits critical mass
to rain its judgement down
upon mankind's curse!

Be drowned in the darkness
as I consume
the light of the known universe!

At the edge of the horizon
lies The Light that Burns the Sky!

Humans craved
nothing but boundless might
long since the days of yore!
You have drained your world dry of light.
And yet you still craved more!

Each generation brings new vice -
you ravaged the sky without thinking twice!
Now the burning sun -
and the silver moon -
swirl in supernovae of mankind's doom!

You wrapped the stars in iron chains.
And now the stars will
Fight to be free once again!

The Light is mine!
It is my birthright!
Shadows of man encroach
upon the dragon's lair!

Be drowned in the darkness
as I condemn
humanity to (all) despair!

At the edge of the horizon
lies The Light that Burns the Sky!

You summon a black hole! It deals 2,000,000 damage to The Microphone!

LAST destroyed! An indescribable stillness falls over the arena... (Although to be fair to the players who posted after you, this won't go into effect until the player phase.)

THE GROUPIE upgraded!

tzaoray said:

Action: Whats with all these cakes ruining the beautiful aesthetics of these roads here? I How To Basic the Madness Cake. Ok, to be more specific, I throw a bunch of eggs at the cake, break a bunch of plates on the cake, dump food that should not be on a cake on the cake, dump slightly radioactive waste on the cake, dump sewage from the deepest pits of Taco Bell on the cake, and basically make the cake the simplest definition of inedible even to the most isolated and malnutritioned solitary prisoner.

You destroy the Madness Cake, as well as everything near it (that being the Madness Pizzas and Chaos ©)! You gain 10,000 TORQUE!

FastoDash said:

Snuff Out The Light

Fasto retreats into the shadows, and disappears... Until tendrils of darkness rush out and spear through The Crown, plunging it into the darkness. It disappears for a while, but when it returns, it looks more damaged than before.

The Memory of a Regent attacks The Crown.
The World's Smallest Lions distract the various [<0>] entities.

... [128/???] (+128 from Tom Sawyer)
+128 to DragonAegis

You deal 2,000,000 damage to The Crown!

The_Nonexistent_Tazz said:

[ CHARGE: Goldeneye - 128 / 256 ]


+64 to Alastair Dragovich
+64 to Crimtane Shovel (call this a preventative truce against hitting Heather)

[ ACTION - GROUND + 600,000 STAB ]

"The Sleuth(?) sighs at their lack of progress. The communion of Helix and Dome is never without downside, but what they do but soldier on. And their enemy sees fit to bring Vengeance upon them, as if they were not already a Vengeance. The <0> has truly grown into something beyond its original purpose. 'Honey doll, let me set you straight,' The Sleuth(?) begins. 'Mysteries aren't my nemesis. I live in mystery. I breathe it. And a mystery is invariably something to be solved. A Sleuth(?) can't live without a Mystery to stab. So with that earth-shattering revelation dealt out, let me dole out another one,' The Sleuth says in a hard-boiled manner, withdrawing their GIGATON HAMMER-SCYTHE."

The Sleuth raises the Gigaton Hammer-Scythe... Which is really a gigantic hammer with a little rod halfway up the middle. It is larger than the Chaos Morpho in its head alone and the handle is nearly a third of the room tall before the hammerhead. The Sleuth(?) clearly considers the hammer's gargantuan size and heft utterly irrelevant, pinching the very base and holding the whole thing perfectly overhead without the slightest exertion.

For a second.

The hammer swings down on the floor of the Uberspire, completely missing the PokeBall as it descends to the floor... And keeps going, the floor spkiing downwards like elsastic, bending into a pit but refusing to break as it instead breaks the ceilings and floors beneath it, descending like a meteror as the battlefield warps under the pressure (the resting Norm handily being out of the way). The stretching force literally hits the ground-the actual ground of the Uberspire after an insanely large drop, The Sleuth(?) dragged along for the ride seemingly of their own volition.

"The Sleuth(?), of course, never intended the GIGANTON HAMMER-SCYTHE to hit. That would be too plain, per the ancient laws of godmodding wars. The real threat would be the rebound."

Saying this, the Gigaton Hammer-Scythe shifts into another form, a Pikachu Size Mug-Scythe, held elegantly in one hand.

The floor takes a few seconds to realize there is nothing in the way-and then it rockets upwards, screaming for vengeance per the laws of physics, flying back to its origin point and then flying upwards. The PokeBall finds itself abruptly sandwhiched between the ceiling (reinforced by narrative fiat to prevent access) and the suddenly-elastic ground, with The Sleuth(?)'s cranium lodged in between.


Heather chips away at the Twins, or if it's gone, the PokeBall. She will decline from Volt Tackle. She also declines to think further on the weirdness everyone else is displaying, if only because everything is still kind of insanely dangerous.

Pizzahead likewise chips in the same manner as Heather, targeting the Twins if it's there and the PokeBall if it isn't.


It's not very effective...

The Pokéball takes 1,000,000 damage! Still an impressive blow.


The Chaos Morpho flaps its wings once, and a wave of immense heat washes over the arena, burning up all the snow and burning through entities! The stillness in the arena keeps them alive, but it's not looking pretty...

The SOUL of the Guardian, ACE, PRIME, V2, the DEES, A Statue, KING, TEND, the Heavy Artillery, the Medium Artillery, the Tiny Tank, the Medium Tank, the Spider Tank, the Tiny Car, the Tiny Plane, the Fighter Plane, the Supply Truck, the Bomber Plane, the Buggy, the Repair Mechs, the Loader Mech, the Defense Mech, the Command Mech, the Guardian Mech, The Cube, the Armor Block Container, the Turret Block Container, the Turret Blocks, the Armor Blocks, Arock, the Assembled Archivist, the Relic Bearer, Artificer Degree Two, the World's Smallest Pride of Lions, the Memory of a Regent, THE GROUPIE, the ELEVATOR RADIO, the COOL LIGHTS!, the Ample Seating, and the Refreshments Stand all fall to 1 HP!

From the wave of fire emerges a figurine that looks very similar to Tazz, but rather than a Pikachu, it is a figurine of a Raichu. It is also holding a salt shaker. Just looking at it makes you feel repulsed... what on earth?

The Light In The Darkness shines on the Void Given Focus, but Mischief blots it out!

The Violences and the Begetses Violence attack [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU], dealing 19,500 damage! The Variable Entity sacrifices one of its healthbars to summon 60 Moths! THE FALLEN MOTHPIRES SEEM RATHER UPSET AT THIS UPSETTING OF THE NATURAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES, BUT THERE'S NOT EXACTLY MUCH THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT. It then expends its EXPLOSION TAGS and lightly singes [REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU] for an additional 9,000 damage!

The Essence of Dreams spawns a Defender of Dreams!

The Void Given Focus, seeing it won't be able to pierce the Light In The Darkness's armor, focuses!

The SOUL of the GUARDIAN attacks The Crown, dealing 25,000 damage, and provides Morale to Heather! ACE attacks The Crown, dealing 30,000 damage! PRIME attacks The Crown, dealing another 50,000 damage! V2, KING, and the DEEs all line up V2's shot at The Pokeball... and the Variable Entity gets in the way, depleting two of its remaining healthbars! It then sues V2 for wanton rocket launcher firing! V2 is forced to surrender part of the rocket launcher as reparations, reducing its Attack power! V2 then attacks the Pokéball without the rocket launcher, dealing 100,000 damage as normal! TEND heals Heather to full HP!

The Core Block's entities regenerate!

Atock, the Assembled Archivist heals The Relic Bearer and the Artificer Degree Two! The Relic Bearer blesses THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING! The Artificer Degree Two upgrades ACE!

The Shadow Pawn advances!

THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING attacks The Pokéball, dealing 150,000 damage! The Stasis Array stuns the Light In The Darkness!

Budge attacks The Pokéball, dealing 200,000 damage!

The World's Smallest Pride of Lions distracts Pokémon Showdown Salt! The Memory of a Regent attacks The Crown, spurred by someone looking to lend a hand, and deals 650,000 damage!

THE GROUPIE struggles to stand after the Chaos Morpho's attacks... but with the confidence granted by the full power of the COOL LIGHTS! she attacks The Microphone, dealing 200,000 damage! The ELEVATOR RADIO distracts Pokémon Showdown Salt! The Ample Seating provides everyone a safe place to rest after the Chaos Morpho's massacre...

Heather attacks The Pokéball twice, dealing 100,000 damage! Pizzahead and The Noise follow suit, dealing an additional 170,000 damage!

THE MOTHPIRES ATTACK THE CHAOS MORPHO AGAIN, THIS TIME DEALING TEN THOUSAND DAMAGE. THAT'S LIKE LAST TIME, BUT IT HAPPENED THIS TIME. <![if !ie]> The Process <![endif]> moves the Shadow Pawn up a space, then heals the Shadow Pawn to full HP before healing THE GROUPIE, the Memory of a Regent, the Artificer Degree Two, and V2 by 70,000 HP each!

LAST emits a ticking sound. The sky turns green. These events are presumably unrelated.


Aspera [GM]: 2/50 HP, Godmodder


AG: Destroy Aspera!
AG: Defeat the Chaos Morpho!

N: Seek out your personal objectives.
N: Defeat or assist the Chaos Morpho!

PG: Protect Aspera!
PG: Defeat the Chaos Morpho!


CHAOS REIGNS: Caused by the presence of the Chaos Morpho. The Chaos Morpho ignores bodyguarding, Dodge, Armor, and Damage Reduction. The Chaos Morpho's entities do not.
Green Sky: The sky has turned green. This is especially odd considering the sky is literally painted-on, and would have no reason to change color. Probably has no effect, but no promises. Fleeting.

Morale: If Morale is equal to the affected entity's Attack and Healing combined, that entity immediately acts again after acting (and advances its cooldowns), and that much Morale is lost. Can trigger multiple times in one turn. Entities with special abilities may need more Morale, applied at my discretion.

Decay: Deals damage at the end of each turn until it's dispelled or the afflicted entity dies. Can be dispelled by actions.
Stun: If Stun is equal to the afflicted entity's current HP, all Stun is removed and that entity does not act or reduce cooldowns this turn.
Bleed: Deals damage at the end of each turn. If Bleeding is not applied on a given turn to the afflicted entity, it is dispelled entirely after the entity takes damage.
Fear: The afflicted entity deals reduced damage each turn equal to total Fear. If the entity has more than one attack, this effect still only applies once, although it can apply to more than one attack if it is higher than the damage dealt by one of the attacks.
Distraction: The afflicted entity deals reduced damage each turn equal to total Distraction. If Distraction is not applied on a given turn to the afflicted entity, it is dispelled entirely after the entity attacks.
Insanity: Each turn, the entity has a random chance, based on the total amount of Insanity and that entity's Attack, to attack an allied entity instead of its intended target.


Chaos Morpho

[<0>]: HP: 44,682,500/50,000,000, ACCURSED, VENGEFUL, INESCAPABLE, Distraction: 2,500

ACCURSED: The Chaos Morpho has inflicted twelve Adventurers with Curses, which interfere with those Adventurers' Destinies, and may cause them to act strangely. Curses can be dispelled by destroying their physical representations on the Chaos Morpho's zodiac. In addition, all Adventurers inflicted with a Curse cannot attack any Curses other than their own.
VENGEFUL: Each turn, the Chaos Morpho will spawn a Vengeance, an entity that seeks to work against the abilities of a specific Adventurer.
INESCAPABLE: Despite not having an HP point to seal the floor with, the Chaos Morpho is preventing any attempts to leave the room. Additionally, the Chaos Morpho counts as a boss.

WARNING: These are not the Chaos Morpho's only abilities.

The Glove [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Notebook [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Car [<0>]: HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000
The Pokéball [<0>]: HP: 482,500/3,000,000
The Crown [<0>]: HP: 325,000/3,000,000
The Microphone [<0>]: HP: 1,000,000/3,000,000​

The Light In The Darkness, Vengeance Against Mischief [<0>]: HP: 500,000/1,500,000, Armor: 640,000, Attack: 100,000, Inescapable Light: Ignores Dodge, Disassociation: Entities hit by The Light In The Darkness lose all resources (e.g. Focus, Power, etc); Purge The Void: Entities hit by The Light In The Darkness take 1,000,000 additional damage if they are made of darkness, Stun: 500,000
Pokémon Showdown Salt, Vengeance Against Tazz [<0>]: HP: 2,520,000/2,520,000, Attack: 252,000, "Balanced" Hackmon: Has the ability Wonder Guard and is holding an Air Balloon, Highly Toxic: Entities that attack Pokémon Showdown Salt receive Decay equal to damage dealt, Baton Pass: When an entity dies, Pokémon Showdown Salt gains Attack equal to that entity's Attack, Distraction: 40,000

Violence [<0>](x5): HP: 10,000/10,000(x2), Attack: 2,500, summons 1 Begets Violence per turn
Begets Violence [<0>](x12): HP: 1,000/1,000(x7), Attack: 1,000
Variable Entity [<0>]: HP: 0/300,000 (can be sacrificed to spawn 1 Moth (600 HP, 100 Attack, invades the afterlife on death, Crowd) per 5,000 HP sacrificed) + 0/405,000 (spawns a Variable Pizza every 2,500 HP lost) + 195,000/195,000 (Dodge: 50%) + 0/250,000 (Sues any entity that damages it), 0/1,205,000, Regeneration: 1,000 per healthbar, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 12,500 (II), EXPLOSION TAGS: 0, Current Form: MOTH PALADIN NOVICE, Cab Ejector: Armed, Painful Healing: Attacking entities may choose to instead heal the Variable Entity, Safety Net: IF THE THIRD OR FOURTH RULES OF MASTER THIEVERY ARE BROKEN, THIS ENTITY WILL SUFFER IN THE PLACE OF THE OFFENDING MASTER THIEF

Cake Guy's Cake: Spawn a Cake entity worth 0.5 Charge. Also spawn a BIACAR (does not apply to copies of this entity). Additionally (on this entity only and not any copies), if this form is taken at the end of the turn, at the start of the next turn ANY PLAYER may use their action to bake a cake which scales in power with their action power. If a large number of people bake cakes at once, the Variable Entity may take damage from fatigue. This will never kill it.
MOTH PALADIN NOVICE: Generate 8,000 EXPLOSION TAGS. 1,000 Attack. 1,000 Healing.
PizzasMcPizzas Storefront: 30% chance to spawn a Pizza entity worth 1.5 Charge. Additionally (on this entity only and not any copies), if this form is taken at the end of the turn, at the start of the next turn ANY PLAYER may use their action to order a pizza which scales in power with their action power. If a large number of people order pizza at once, the Variable Entity may take damage from fatigue. This will never kill it.

Moths [<0>](x60): HP: 600/600(x60), Attack: 100, invades afterlife on death

THE ROD [©]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Obscurity, Pull: Move any entity up by up to 3 spaces, is affected by that entity's movement restrictions
Essence Of Dreams [©]: HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000, Call Form, Dying Dream

Call Form: Summons one of three entities:

Defender of Dreams: 50,000 HP, 25,000 Armor. When spawned, gains a Lifelink to any one entity, causing it to take damage in that entity's place if that entity would die when attacked. (This Lifelink cannot be changed, and defaults to linking to the Essence of Dreams if an entity isn't specified.)
Warrior of Dreams: 60,000 HP, 15,000 Attack.
Repairer of Dreams: 60,000 HP, 15,000 Healing.​

Dying Dream: On death, Essence of Dreams spawns one of each type of entity that can be summoned by Call Form.

Defender of Dreams [©]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Armor: 25,000, Lifelink: Essence of Dreams

Void Given Focus [Mischief - AG]: HP: 645,000/675,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 70,000, Focus: 600,000 (+10,000/turn); Can choose to not attack to gain an additional 70,000 Focus; Focus may be spent to strengthen the Void Given Focus's attack for the turn, and is also spent as Deathrattle when Void Given Focus dies

SOUL of the GUARDIAN [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/350,000, Attack: 25,000, Applies 50,000 Morale divided between any number of allies
ACE [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/40,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 75,000, Morale: 20,000
PRIME [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/250,000, Attack: 50,000, Power: 30,000 (+30,000/turn); Can choose not to attack to gain an additional 50,000 Power; Power may be spent to strengthen PRIME's attack for the turn
LAST [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 0/1, Deathrattle: Until the end of this turn, no entities may go below 1 HP
V2 [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 72,500/507,500 (Dodge: 75%) + 0/900,000, Attack: 100,000 + 500,000 (III), Cannon Shot: III, will take less damage from the next successful hit
DEE [Pol and Kirby - AG](x2): HP: 2,500/200,000(x2), does tasks
A Statue [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/1,000,000, Obscurity, DIVINITY: III
KING [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/440,000, applies 200,000 Morale to an ally
TEND [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 2,500/300,000, Healing: 125,000

Heavy Artillery [Core Block - AG]: HP: 7,500/50,000, Attack: 12,500, Regeneration: 5,000
Medium Artillery [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/25,000, Attack: 6,250, Regeneration: 2,500
Tiny Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/2,500, Attack: 1,250, Armor: 2,500
Medium Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000, Regeneration: 2,500, Armor: 5,000
Spider Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/20,000, Dodge: 20%, Armor: 2,500, Attack: 2,500, Regeneration: 2,500
Tiny Car [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/5,000, Attack: 51,250, Norm's Heart
Tiny Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 500/500, Attack: 1,250, Dodge: 90%
Fighter Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 3,500/5,000, Dodge: 75%, Regeneration: 1,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 7,500, Accuracy: 200%, Cab Ejector: Armed
Supply Truck [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/20,000, Allies in Range 2 have +2,500 Attack, Speed: 4
Bomber Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 4,500/10,000, Dodge: 60%, Regeneration: 2,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 10,000, ignores armor, Cab Ejector: Inactive
Propeller Plane [Core Block - AG]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Dodge: 90%, Regeneration: 100, Attack: 2,500, Cab Ejector: Armed
Buggy [Core Block - AG]: HP: 3,500/10,000, Dodge: 75%, Dodge Exhaustion, Regeneration: 1,000, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 2,500, Cab Ejector: Armed
Repair Mech [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 2,500/22,500(x2),

Healing: 7,500, Status-Curing: 10,000, Regeneration: 2,500, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn,

Cab Ejector: Inactive(x2)
Loader Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/50,000,

Buffs defensive or support stats,

Cab Ejector: Inactive
Defense Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 3,500/25,000, Armor: 8,000, Regeneration: 1,000, Reaction Fire: 2,000
Command Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/70,000, Entities under Core Control have an additional 1,000 Armor for the turn, Cab Ejector: Armed
Guardian Mech [Core Block - AG]: HP: 4,500/50,000, Armor: 20,000, Regeneration: 2,000, Reaction Fire: 4,000
The Cube [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,500/110,000
Armor Block Container [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 2,500/5,000(x2), spawns an Armor Block for each 500 HP lost
Turret Block Container [Core Block - AG](x2): HP: 2,500/5,000(x2), spawns a Turret Block for each 500 HP lost
Turret Block [Core Block - AG](x12): HP: 500/500(x2), Attack: 250

Shadow Pawn [Krill13 - N]: HP: 120,000/120,000, Speed: 3, will be promoted if it reaches the top of the Battlefield, much harder to forcibly move

Armor Block [Core Block - AG](x17): HP: 1,500/1,500(x17)

Some of the Core Block's machines come equipped with a Cab Ejector. If an entity with an Armed Cab Ejector reaches 0 HP, it will regain 100 HP and the Cab Ejector will become Inactive. While the Cab Ejector is Inactive, the entity has no abilities. When an entity with an Inactive Cab Ejector reaches max HP, the Cab Ejector will become Armed again and the entity will regain its abilities.

Arock, the Assembled Archivist [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 250,000/250,000 (always depletes first, refills at end of round) + 1/1,000,000, Healing: 40,000 AoE, Protection: Absorbs half of damage taken by allied entities
The Relic Bearer [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 22,500/160,000, Keeper of Histories: Can either debuff an entity by sapping their history or buff an entity by strengthening its history, lasts 3 turns; Obscurity: Easily missed and not likely to be attacked unless it has debuffed its attacker before
Artificer Degree Two [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 92,500/670,000, Maker of Histories: Can consume items to upgrade entities further

THE CULMINATION OF MY BEING [Toby - AG]: HP: 563,000/620,000, Attack: 150,000, Your Power: 500,000 (+50,000/turn, unleashed in a single powerful blow on death), Good History: Gains more Power for 2 more turns
Stasis Array [Toby - AG]: HP: 248,000/270,000, applies 500,000 Stun per turn

Budge, the Overloaded [Ian - AG]: HP: 400,000/400,000, 400,000/400,000, 400,000/400,000, 400,000/400,000, Damage Reduction: 10%, Regeneration: 20,000 per healthbar, unspent Regeneration becomes Attack for the turn, Attack: 30,000 per Healthbar above 50%, Debugging: Using the Exalted God's Horn on Budge will only exhaust one of its healthbars

The World's Smallest Lion [Fasto - AG](x5): HP: 2,500/20,000(x5), Dodge: 50% (+10% for all Lions when one dies), Apply 7,000 Distraction each
Memory of a Regent [Fasto - AG]: HP: 97,500/300,000 + 25,000/300,000 + 25,000/300,000, Armor: 10,000, Regeneration: 25,000 per Healthbar, unspent Regeneration is converted to Attack, Attack: 50,000x3, Mana: 128 (+128/turn), Painful Healing, Stun: 140,000

[REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU] XYZ [JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 4,974,000/5,000,000, Narrative Manipulation: Resurgent, Soul Ejector: Armed, Refuse To Die: Will stay alive for an additional turn after dying

THE GROUPIE [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 72,500/320,000, helps out the One Hit Wonder, Attack: 100,000
ELEVATOR RADIO [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 2,500/120,000, applies 5,000 Distraction split among any number of entities, Morale: 5,000
COOL LIGHTS! [One Hit Wonder - AG]: HP: 2,500/112,500, Confidence: THE GROUPIE, Stage Fright: No target

Confidence: The target of Confidence gains an additional 50,000 Attack, or 50,000 Healing if it has Healing. If Stage Fright doesn't have a target set, this effect is doubled.
Stage Fright: The target of Stage Fright loses up to 50,000 Attack, or 50,000 Healing if it has Healing. If Confidence doesn't have a target set, this effect is doubled.

Ample Seating [One Hit Wonder - N]: HP: 2,500/100,000, Healing: 2,500x50, heals as many different entities as possible each turn, starting with [AG] entities, Good History: Seats twice as many people for 1 more turn
Refreshments Stand [One Hit Wonder - N]: HP: 2,500/125,000, Status Curing: 5,000x25, heals as many different entities as possible each turn, starting with [AG] entities

Heather, Totally Immersed Pikachu Cosplayer? [Tazz - AG]: HP: 125,000/125,000, Attack: 50,000, Dodge: 20%, Volt Tackle: Can deal an additional 25,000 damage, but also takes 25,000 damage as recoil; Discard Humanity: IIIIII; Boon of the Crystal Gardens: The first two attacks each turn that would deal less damage than Heather's max HP are nullified, With SOUL: Heather acts twice per round, Morale: 50,000
Pizzahead [Tazz - AG]: HP: 75,000/75,000, Attack: 50,000, Extra Lives: 1 (+1 after each boss), heals to full HP when a boss dies
The Noise [Tazz - AG]: HP: 250,000/250,000, Dodge: 50%, Attack: 60,000x2

Genny Robotics [Pricey12345 - AG]: HP: 205,000/500,000, Attack: 35,000
Blaster Warrior Robot [Pricey12345 - AG]: HP: 700,000/700,000, Attack: 75,000

<![if !ie]> The Idea <![endif]> [Krill13 - N]: HP: 666,666/666,666, Attack: (100x666)x1, Ethereal, Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, The Impending

Ethereal: The Idea's attacks ignore Armor (including negative Armor), Dodge, and other defensive abilities. They also do not trigger Thorns, Reaction Fire, or any similar abilities.
Mark of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If The Idea uses 666 of its attacks on a single target, it follows up with a finishing attack against that entity. This can have varying effects beyond damage.
Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If any entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ would die, it stays at 1 HP and another entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ takes the remaining damage.
The Impending: Something good will happen if The Idea has exactly six sets of attacks.

<![if !ie]> The Process <![endif]> [Krill13 - N]: HP: 2,000,000/2,000,000, RAM: 2,000,000, Word of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐, The Pentultimate

Chess Drive: HP: 100,000/100,000, moves the Shadow Pawn up 1 if allocated at least 250,000 RAM (does not stack if 500,000 or more RAM is applied)
AoE Healing Drive: HP: 600,000/600,000, applies AoE healing relative to RAM allocated at a ratio of 1 Healing to 6 RAM
<Empty Drive Slot>​

RAM: The Process can allocate RAM to any of its installed Task Drives. Task Drives can have varying functions allowing The Program to do different thigns depending on how much RAM is allocated. They can be equipped or unequipped, but there can never be more than three equipped at a time. Additionally, Task Drives have their own HP bars, and can be attacked and destroyed to prevent The Program from taking actions.
Word of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If all RAM is spent optimally, The Process randomly distributes buffs to allied entities. RAM is considered to be spent optimally if it doesn't go over any limits, i.e. no overhealing, no overkilling, and no overspending (or underspending) on Drives that have effects at specific RAM amounts.
Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐: If any entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ would die, it stays at 1 HP and another entity with Union of ▯̸̽▯̸̱̣͊̐͜͝ͅ▯̵͇̬͐ takes the remaining damage.
The Pentultimate: Something good will happen if The Process has exactly 9,999,999 RAM.

There aren't any Task Drives here right now.

A Puppy and an Animated Bespectacled Mannequin [Krill13 - N]: HP: 160,000/160,000, Attack: 37,500, St. Destin's Pen: +50,000 HP, +12,500 Attack, does not actually exist
The Bingus Bungus Mecha Mark II! [Krill13 - N]: HP: 250,000/250,000! Dodge: 25%! Armor: 2,500! Thorns: 2,500! Attack: 2,500x25! Good History: Dodges a lot better for the next turn!
Protection Writ [Krill13 - N]: HP: 1,500,000/1,500,000


LapisLazuli': Vortex [AG]
Firewing: Just Flask [AG]
Champion Greninjoid: Reese [AG]
Esther: Narrator [AG]
Layn: Layn [AG]
O.R.I.G.I.N.: Decil [AG]
6FootDeep: Swarm of Zachs [AG]
Zparks: Sblib [N]
Whimsythescholar: The Lady In Violet [N]
Master of Infinity: The Master of the Infinitum [AG]
ChrysalisM: Adaptoid #001 [AG]
little1133: Birdie [AG]
Kitnight: ?
W32Coravint: W32Coravint [AG]
Noctis-X: Noctis [AG]
Dragonwolf73: Niyr [PG]
rush99999: The English Muffin [N]
Genhack: Grimcloak [AG]
the secret of life is 42 [AG]
Spacelover1: Kita [AG]
KitRougard: Xorm [PG]
Torix: Firestorm256 [AG]
DreadKnight22: Mischief [AG]
Splashcat: The Pendulum [AG] | CREATION: 490,000 | DESTRUCTION: 250,000
EndTower: steve uchiha [AG]
_The Reaper_: Bob [AG]

Sylveone46: Dan D. Daniels [<0>] | Dead, final resting place marked by a double pendulum

JOEbob: JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG] | carrying the power of Inscryption
Robot #207: Core Block [AG]
DragonAegis: Tom Sawyer [AG] | FOUNDRY: 2,910,500 | Weapon: Belenoth (Deals reduced damage, accumulates Magic; Magic: 0; Durability: 100%) | carrying two Scrap Buckets (spend to deal 10,000 damage to a target and nullify their Armor, if any), two Robotic Spider Cookies (prevent one item theft attempt each), a Glass of Water of Water (Made of water and full of water), some Ectoplasm, and a Pen (sharp)
Crimtane Shovel: © | TRAVELER'S TREE:
Banana-Fish: Pol and Kirby [AG] | TYPOGRAPHY: DQS
tzaoray [PG] | TORQUE: 60,000
Toby Faux: Toby [AG] | BEACON: 213,000
Razor_Typhoon: Ian [AG] | ELEMENT: 2 Wax, 3 Fire, 1 Fog
Dinfinity: Wafer [AG] | Constellation: The Siren
Krill13: [Billions Of Names At Once] [N] | PLANE: The Overworld | carrying a capital "I"
FastoDash: Fasto [AG]
The_Nonexistent_Tazz: Tazz [AG] | STAB: 0
Alastair Dragovich: Lawrence "Law" "One-Hit Wonder" Plainton [AG] | LAST SONG: READY!
Pricey12345 [AG]

Destiny: Mastery of Tactics
High-Conductivity Skin

+ Your action power is doubled!
--- You must give out two charges each turn, and they must both go to [AG] players!​

Destiny: Spawn Point
Ocular Implants

+ Your actions have a 50% chance to be 3x as effective!
+ All of your actions have their power reduced to 0.5x before all other multipliers!
+ Entities with dodging capabilities cannot dodge your actions!
± This augmentation does not affect attacks against Godmodders.​

Monkey Wizard's Staff: +2,000 Action Power.
Chuck Norris's Ten-Gallon Hat: +1,000 Action Power.
Octopus King's Crown: You are very confident.
A Page of Chartreuse Ink: +2,000 Action Power, +1 Charge/turn.

Destiny: Bookkeeper
Curse: The Twins
Oryx's Greatsword: +50% Base Action Power.

Crimtane Shovel:
Destiny: ©
Understanding the Nameplate: Depth

+ Copies you summon have more interesting and varied abilities!​

Understanding the Nameplate: Advanced Capabilities

+ For your action, instead of summoning a new ©, you can transform an existing © into a more powerful form!
- The abilities of the more powerful form are likely to be at least a little different.​

Destiny: Fog Missing Piece
The Flutter Titan's Wing: +1 Charge/turn.

Robot #207:
Destiny: Core Control

Destiny: How Did We Get Here?

Destiny: Astromancer
The Carnivore's Jawbone: +5,000 Action Power.

Curse: The Glove

Destiny: Strength
Curse: The Notebook

Destiny: Baptism By Fire

Destiny: Auto Insurance
Curse: The Car

Toby Faux:
Destiny: Birdhouse In Your Soul

Destiny: Creation

Destiny: 235
Curse: The Pokéball

Destiny: Green
Curse: The Crown

Alastair Dragovich:
Curse: The Microphone

Destiny: Beryl

Destiny: Hands of Shadow

Destiny: Macro

Spoils of War:
Misery/The Doctor:


. Owner: Tom Sawyer [AG]. A strange gun with a star scratched into the stock. Each turn, this item passively accumulates Charge. When fired, it expends all of its Charge, dealing a varying amount of damage per Charge. At 1 Charge, it deals 25,000 damage per Charge; at 2-3 Charge, 50,000; at 4-6 Charge, 75,000; and at 7+ Charge, 100,000. Charge: 2, Cooldown: NO COOLDOWN
The Teletubbies: Tubby Custard Machine. Owner: Pol and Kirby [AG]. A whimsical machine with two large spires for storing Tubby Custard. Once every 4 turns, it can be used to heal 5,000 HP to any entity. This healing can bring entities over their max HP, if they're not already above their max HP. Additionally, the Tubby Custard Key may be used one time to revive any entity that died the preceding turn, with full HP. THE TUBBY CUSTARD KEY MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE THROUGH THE ENTIRE GAME. Cooldown: IIII. Tubby Custard Key: Expended
Fortegreen Crewmate: Emergency Meeting Button. Owner: JOE Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG]. A red button that can be used to assemble everyone in the area. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to summon a Crewmate, who the owner will be able to direct to various tasks. Its effectiveness will vary. Cooldown: IIIII
Kabula/King Dedede (second fight): King Dedede's Rocket Hammer. Owner: Tazz [AG]. A large hammer that fires rockets. More useful for rocket-firing than actually bashing things, on account of being very hard to hold. How did Dedede ever manage it? Once every 3 turns, it can be used to deal 100,000 damage to five different entities. For the purposes of this Spoil, Crowd entities are counted as a single entity. Cooldown: III
Cyber End*r Dr*gon: Cyber Dr*gon Egg. Owner: Niyr [PG]. Somehow, turning the End*r Dr*gon into a technological terror passed the property on to this egg. The egg appears to have no function, but there is a green button on the back. The longer you look at it, the brighter it gets. You get the feeling you can only press this button once... Green Button: Unavailable
King Dedede (first fight)/Norm: Norm's Heart. Owner: Robot #207 [AG]. The squirrel that's in charge of providing power for Norm. Never tires. Norm's Heart may be given to an entity, granting it either an additional 50,000 Attack or doubled Attack, whichever is the larger bonus, until it dies, at which point Norm's Heart will become available again. Status: Unavailable
Shaggy: The Sandwich Of Oblivion. Owner: [Billions Of Names At Once] [N]. A sandwich of unfathomable power, made of the finest ingredients one can find in the thousand universes. This sandwich may be fed to an NPC a total of three times across the entire game, with an indeterminate and plot-linked cooldown. Eating the sandwich will cause a major plot disturbance or critical interference. This will not always work out in the favor of the owner. Status: Available, uses left: 1
The Spamtanic/Spamton NEO: Pipis Cannon. Owner: Mischief [AG]. An arm cannon, ripped off of Spamton NEO. It contains an invasive species of detonating freshwater clam. EACH TURN, the Pipis Cannon may be fired at a target of your choice. A pipis will appear on the battlefield with 20,000 HP, and you may use actions to protect it from attacks. The turn after it is summoned, it will detonate, dealing 50,000 damage to its target. If the target dies, the pipis will instead change its target and detonate on the next turn after that. Cooldown: NO COOLDOWN
Overcharged Mob Spawner/Oryx the Exalted God: Exalted God's Horn. Owner: Ian [AG]. Upgrade of the Debug Stick. A golden horn, liberated from Oryx's helmet. Contains a fragment of Oryx's Curse. Once every three turns, it can be used on an entity you control, or someone else's entity with permission, to kill it, dealing its max HP as damage to a target of your choice. At the end of the turn, that entity is then revived, but at 1 HP. Cooldown: III
Helkite Overlord: Shotgun. Owner: None [AG]. A shotgun made of distressingly black metal and distressingly white wood. It seems to have been passed down through many owners. The initials "DK," "GB∞," and "JQA" are carved into the stock. There is only one bullet inside. When fired, this shotgun will instantly kill any one target of your choice. With the exception of Godmodders and other Adventurers, this can target anything on the battlefield and it will not fail. It may only be used once. You could use it more if you found more ammo. You will not find more ammo. Status: Empty
THE LORDE/The Evil Wizard: UNDEFINED BLADE. Owner: ©. A sword that seems to be incapable of deciding what kind of sword it wants to be. Once every four turns, it can be used to summon three random entities from the first few chapters of the game. Some entities, like bosses, cannot be summoned by this. Cooldown: IIII
Fawful & Midbus/Overtuned Mob Spawner: The First Spawn Egg. Owner: Toby [AG]. A spawn egg. Unlimited potential rests within. Once every three turns, it can be used to spawn four entities of your choosing from a limited selection of Vindicator, Evoker, Blaze, Piglin, or Pillager. Cooldown: III
P03: Leshy's Camera. Owner: Fasto [AG]. An old-looking camera with a roll of film in it. Once every two turns, it can be used to kill an entity with 10,000 (current) HP or less and convert them to an item in your inventory. This item can be used later for damage or healing based on the entity's stats. Cooldown: II
Ink Sans: Inkbrush. Owner: tzaoray [PG]. A paintbrush covered in various colors of ink. Once every four turns, it can be used to summon a copy of Sans with 10,000 HP, 5,000 Attack, 75% Dodge, and Dodge Exhaustion. Cooldown: IIII

Permanent Upgrades:
Chapter 1: The Great K.A.T.E. A strange red bucket that contains a weather machine. What does K.A.T.E. stand for? Your guess is as good as mine! The Great K.A.T.E. provides many forms of weather information, explaining environmental effects and attack boosts given by the current area. Weather can be changed by a sufficiently creative action and/or the influences of various entities.
Chapter 2: Crossroads of Destiny. A portion of Shaggy's power, specifically dealing in one's "destiny." At an indeterminate time, the Crossroads of Destiny will appear to a player character, giving them a large number of choices for a permanent augmentation that can shake up how they play the game. (Indeterminate time means I'll offer you a crossroads whenever I think I have enough cool ideas for your character.)
Chapter 3: The Dubious Friendship of a Mirror-Entity. Spending time on the other side of the mirror seems to have made you stronger. The mirror-entity's influence? It seems likely, but you're not sure why. If an attack against a Godmodder is sufficiently creative, it has a chance to deal an additional point of damage.
Chapter 4: OLD_DATA. A block of strange code related to the foundations of reality itself, coalesced into a chunk of black material. Standing near it makes you feel more real. Powers up all players' Destinies, and makes Destiny acquisition quicker.
Trial ε: Exaltation. An inversion of Oryx's already-inverted curse, granting you power for slaying an immense foe. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial Θ: Sacred Black Gun. A gun made of an unknown black material. Shots fired from it never miss, and damage the target conceptually as well as literally. Just being near it makes you feel stronger. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial λ: Sacred Black Wand. A wand made of an unknown black material. It passively absorbs power from nearby allies, and protects the user from harm. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial μ: Sacred Black Cog. A cog that can be inserted into any machine to make it think and run faster. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial π: Time's Commendation. It turns out that if you resolve enough time loops and prevent enough paradoxes, time itself gives you a formal recognition, complete with certificate and a 10% discount at supermarkets. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial Σ: Sacred Black Rod. A rod that allows its user to inhabit multiple bodies at once. As a weapon, it can be extended to any point its user can see, making it useful for attacking at long range. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)
Trial ϕ: Sacred Black Hammer. A hammer that influences local reality to make things turn out in its holder's favor. In other words, it turns you into a perfect protagonist. All players' action power is doubled, including all additive bonuses unless explicitly stated otherwise. Additionally, all players gain twice as many Charge each turn (again, including additive bonuses), and you give twice as much Charge each turn to other players. (You may give them to separate players.)

Base Action Power: 1,280,000
Base Charge Count: 128

Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (THE END) (Game over! No longer accepting players.) RP (2025)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.